Publication workflow
Starsky is a social media publishing workflow for pictures, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. It allows you to quickly generate good-looking images and then let you publish them to your various social media accounts.
It's easy to publish, share and store your pictures with the Starsky app. Simply choose from a wide range of templates, add one or more photos, write some text and press 'Publish'. There will be a generated image to included in your social media post.
Publish photos with watermarks and prerendered html. It is possible to publish photos with watermarks and prerendered html. This is useful for example to publish photos to a website. The photos are published with watermarks and the html is prerendered. The html is prerendered to make it possible to publish the html to a blog or static website. The html is prerendered with the razor files. The title, tags and description of the image can be autofilled.
Screenshot from: and
Template and logo are configurable in the settings.
At the moment this is editable in the appsettings.json
For advanced configuration check the starskywebhtmlcli config page.