Build Desktop Application
List of Starsky Projects
- starsky (sln) database photo index & import index project)
- starsky web api application / interface
- clientapp react front-end application
- starskyImporterCli import command line interface
- starskyGeoCli gpx sync and reverse 'geo tagging'
- starskyWebHtmlCli publish web images to a content package
- starskyWebFtpCli copy a content package to a ftp service
- starskyAdminCli manage user accounts
- starskySynchronizeCli check if disk changes are updated in the database
- starskyThumbnailCli speed web performance by generating smaller images
- Starsky Business Logic business logic libraries (netstandard 2.0)
- starskyTest mstest unit tests
- starsky web api application / interface
- starsky-tools nodejs tools to add-on tasks
- starskydesktop Desktop Application
- Download Desktop App Windows and Mac OS version
- Changelog Release notes and history
Usage instructions
There are binaries available on the following page:
Windows 10 and newer
- Go to Github Releases and click on
Mac OS 10.15 or newer
- Go to Github Releases and click on
The application bundle can run without installer
Since we don't have certificates from Apple, users are warned. If you don't trust it, the code is public and its instructions for building it
When you see the following warning:
Open app without Gatekeeper
- From the Apple menu, open the "System Preferences" application.
- Click on Security & Privacy > General tab.
- Look at 'Allow apps downloaded from' and click button 'Open Anyway'
Remote mode
Use the settings menu to update the server settings Click on 'Settings' > 'Settings' to get the following menu
The Electron stores it's cache in these folders:
~/Library/Application\ Support/starsky/Cache
Build instructions
The following steps are needed to compile the desktop application
Building Starsky as dependency first
For Windows
We assume that you run on a 64 bits Windows version
When running bash
../starsky/ --Runtime=win-x64
For Windows there is a folder created: starsky/win-x64
and this is copied to the desktop application
For Mac OS
We assume that you run it on an Intel powered Mac
When running bash
../starsky/ --Runtime=osx-x64
For Mac OS there is a folder created: starsky/osx-x64
and this is copied to the desktop application
Build Electron
Go the source folder of the application
cd starskyapp
Install Node packages
npm ci
For Windows
We assume that you run on a 64 bits Windows version
When running bash
npm run windows
For Mac OS
When running bash
npm run mac
See dist
You will find the final result in the dist