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By App build documentation

List of Starsky Projects

Run pre-build binaries (fastest)

See the How use prebuild images for more details about how to run docker

Build instructions for docker

See the Docker instructions for more details about how to compile the application for development

Build instructions (without docker)

  1. To get started clone the repository
git clone ""
  1. Get the dotnet 8.0.204 SDK. To get the 'Build apps - SDK' .NET Core from or

  2. Get a recent version of nodejs (18.x or newer)

  3. Make a build of all the projects and run the tests from the root folder of the repository

When using powershell:


Scroll down for bash

Known Windows issue: When you see 'build.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system.'

For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/ Run the following command to enable scripts:

Make sure you run the script as Administrator

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

you see something like this:

[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"):

Press to continue: A

Known Windows issue: Testhost require firewall

Do you want to allow public and private networks to access this app: testhost

Windows Firewall has blocked some features of testhost on public and private networks

You need to give permission to run the unit tests

Or using bash (on Linux and Mac OS)

  1. Check configuration starsky/starsky/appsettings.json

Tip: You could use machine specific configuration files: appsettings.machinename.json (and replace machinename with your computer name in lowercase)

  1. Run
dotnet run --project starsky/starsky --urls "http://localhost:4000"
  1. Create a account in the Starsky application. Those credentials are only required by the web application

    Security issue: After creating the first account this endpoint is closed, keep the env variable app__isAccountRegisterOpen to false



  1. Editorconfig (
  2. Use DB Browser for SQLite to view a local SQLite database (optional)

Build for Raspberry Pi (Raspbian/Linux ARM)

From .NET Core 2.1 or newer there is a SDK available for Raspberry Pi (only ARMv7 or newer, so no ARMv6). We use NET Core But in this guide we build it first on your laptop and copy to your Raspberry Pi. Use the following steps to setup:

  1. Clone the repo on your x86/x64 machine
git clone ""
  1. On your laptop (x86/x64 machine). Get the dotnet 6.0 or newer SDK. To get the 'Build apps - SDK' .NET Core from

  2. Compile the Starsky-installation on your x86/x64 machine first. The Nuke build script with parameters can be used to build for this runtime.

Using bash

./ --runtime="linux-arm"

Using Powershell

powershell -File build.ps1 -ScriptArgs '-runtime="linux-arm"'
  1. Copy contents from the linux-arm folder to your Raspberry Pi

  2. On the Raspi, install the dependency packages first. Those are required by .NET Core

sudo apt-get install curl libunwind8 gettext apt-transport-https tzdata
  1. (Optional) On the Raspberry PI, install Exiftool

ExifTool is installed on the first run. When you use system ExifTool you need to update the AppSettings

sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl
  1. Run the Starsky web interface
  1. Create a account in the Starsky Web application. Those credentials are only required by the web application

Optional steps

  1. The script is a script to setup Starsky using pm2.
    export ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://localhost:4823/"
  1. SonarQube scanner

For SonarScanner you need to additionally install:

To enable SonarScanner you need to set the following environment variables:

  • STARSKY_SONAR_KEY - the public name of the project
  • STARSKY_SONAR_TOKEN - the token to login
  • STARSKY_SONAR_ORGANISATION - the name of the organisation
  • STARSKY_SONAR_URL - defaults to

Known errors

When using SQLite as database type without SQLitePCLRaw.lib.e_sqlite3.linux the following error appears: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'e_sqlite3'

To avoid the error: System.IO.FileLoadException Microsoft.Extensions.Options, Version= the package `Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore is installed

Tip: When using MariaDB or MySQL as database, make sure you use utf8mb4 and as collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci to avoid encoding errors.

Cannot open shared object file: Permission denied

Failed to load ?? error: <yourpath>/ cannot open shared object file: Permission denied
The library was found, but loading it from <yourpath>/ failed
- Installing .NET Core prerequisites might help resolve this problem.

Check your file rights in the folders, they should be 644 for files and 755 for folders. except for the executable files

Startup problems with StarskyApp

You could try to clean the temp Folder This is located on Mac OS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/starsky/ and Windows: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\starsky\

Bash build and configuration scripts

Those scripts are optional and used for configuration.

pm2 ./

To install and upgrade to the latest stable release run this script

It uses the following default parameters

--name starsky
--runtime linux-arm

pm2 ./

The script is a script to setup Starsky using pm2.

You should install pm2 before running this script

It uses the following env settings

 export ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://localhost:4823/"
  • It uses by default the name starsky in pm2
  • If this name already exist, it overwrite this name with the new location

pm2 ./

To update starsky-$ with the content of the folder and to remove the content of the parent folder of this script. The following content are not deleted: app settings, temp, zip files and database files. The starsky files will get executed and need to have those rights. The pm2 instance will be restarted.

pm2 ./

To warmup the installation after a restart this bash script is provided

If you prefer a Powershell script, you could use pm2-warmup.ps1

Publish-scripts for 'self containing' binaries

The scripts that are used to create a full build. (Linux has libunwind8 and gettext as dependency)

The Nuke script ( provide options to build for specific runtimes.

To build server app for Mac OS

Using bash

./ --runtime="osx-x64,osx-arm64"

Using powershell

powershell -File build.ps1 -ScriptArgs '-runtime="osx-x64,osx-arm64"'

To build server app for 64 bits Windows

Using bash

./ --runtime="win-x64"

Using powershell

powershell -File build.ps1 -ScriptArgs '-runtime="win-x64"'