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Business Logic

List of Starsky Projects

Starsky Business Logic docs

This is an overview of business logic

Feature compare table

Anywhere secure access
Native iOS and Android mobile apps
Mac OS and Windows Desktop app
Access controls with permissions and roles✴️
User generation by Command Line
Customized branded login page
Out-of-the-box access from the web (when hosted)
SaaS solution
Multi tenant support
Bulk metadata upload via CSV
Bulk metadata edit via web interface
Review, approve and publish uploads
Batch or single file download
Download permissions based on role
Request access to file form
Supports photos jpg, png, gif, tiff
Supports video mp4 (H.264)
Supports audio
Supports IPTC, EXIF and XMP metadata
All major browsers supported (Chrome, Safari, Mozilla)
Internet Explorer support
In-line editing in fields
Localized platform English and Dutch
Host the server version yourself using docker
Host the server version yourself on a Windows/Mac/Linux
IconMeaning of icon
fully implemented
✴️is partly implemented
not implemented

Project structure

└── CommandLineInterface
| └── starskyadmincli
| └── starskygeocli
| └── starskyimportercli
| └── starskysynchronizecli
| └── starskythumbnailcli
| └── starskywebftpcli
| └── starskywebhtmlcli
└── Feature
| | The Feature layer contains concrete features of the solution as understood by the business owners and editors of the solution, for example news, articles.
| └── starsky.feature.export
| | Exporting list of files to zip archive
| └── starsky.feature.geolookup
| | Looking up Geo Location from folders
| └──
| | Health API to check database and dependencies
| └── starsky.feature.import
| | Import and move to the right folder
| └── starsky.feature.metaupdate
| | Update metadata photos/items on disk and in the database
| └── starsky.feature.rename
| | Rename photos/items on disk and in the database
| └── starsky.feature.webhtmlpublish
| | Copy webhtmlpublish-ed items to an ftp server
| └── starsky.feature.webhtmlpublish
| Generate html content with photos.
| └── starsky.feature.realtime
| Real-time features
| └── starsky.feature.syncbackground
| Background synchronization features
| └──
| Search features
| └── starsky.feature.thumbnail
| Thumbnail-related features
| └── starsky.feature.settings
| Settings features
| └── starsky.feature.demo
| Demo features
└── Foundation
| | Modules in the Foundation layer are conceptually abstract and do not contain presentation in the form of renderings or views
| └──
| | Abstraction layer of User Mangement
| └──
| | EF Core abstractions and database mapping
| └──
| | To Get/Post to other API's
| └──
| | Do dependency injection with a [Service]-tag
| └──
| | Platform configuration, file name helpers, console abstractions, argument helpers and enum extensions
| └──
| | Reading XMP, Exif, GPX and Video meta-data from files
| └──
| | WebSockets Middleware
| └──
| | Filesystem abstractions
| └──
| | Compare disk with database
| └──
| | Generate Thumbnails
| └──
| Write though Exiftool
| └──
| Worker-related functionalities
| └──
| Settings-related functionalities
| └──
| Native OS-related functionalities
| └──
| Thumbnail meta-related functionalities
└── Project
| This means the actual cohesive website or channel output from the implementation, such as the page types, layout and graphical design
└── starsky.project.web
| Services and helpers needed for the web application, but not for other applications
└── starsky
WebAPI presentation application (see ClientApp for more details about the UI)