History Changelog
List of Starsky Projects
- By App documentation database photo index & import index project
- starsky web api application / interface
- client app react front-end application
- starskyImporterCli import command line interface
- starskyGeoCli gpx sync and reverse 'geo tagging'
- starskyWebHtmlCli publish web images to a content package
- starskyWebFtpCli copy a content package to a ftp service
- starskyAdminCli manage user accounts
- starskySynchronizeCli check if disk changes are updated in the database
- starskyThumbnailCli speed web performance by generating smaller images
- Starsky Business Logic internal libraries ( .NET)
- starskyTest mstest unit tests (for .NET)
- starsky web api application / interface
- starsky-tools nodejs tools to add-on tasks
- Starsky Desktop Desktop Application
- Download Desktop App Windows and Mac OS version
- Changelog Release notes and history
Release notes of Starsky
Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 is from version 0.1.6+
The following statuses are used
- Added for new features
- Breaking change fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change
- Changed for non-breaking changes in existing functionality for example docs change / refactoring / dependency upgrades
- Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features
- Removed for now removed features
- Fixed for any bug fixes
- Security in case of vulnerabilities
List of versions
version 0.7.0-beta.0 - (Unreleased) - 2025-01-?
- nothing yet
version 0.6.5 - 2024-02-14
- (Added) Create 20241220-year-in-review.md (PR #1876)
- (Changed) Front-end Client App - Vite - Upgrade dependencies (PR #1900)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.405 (Runtime: 8.0.12) (PR #1902)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.406 (Runtime: 8.0.13) (PR #1934)
- (Changed) App version bumb and fix electron version issues (PR #1944)
- (Changed) Front-end Various npm dependency updates, including TypeScript, ESLint, React, and Electron in multiple PRs
version 0.6.4 - 2024-12-19
- (Fixed) Back-end Notification duplicate error handling (Issue #1832) (PR #1834)
- (Fixed) Front-end Add cache headers for download publish for cloudfare (PR #1839)
- (Changed) Back-end Small readability fixes to avoid code smells (PR #1844)
- (Changed) Back-end Filename checks for extensions (PR #1849)
- (Changed) Back-end Improve tests for port mapper (PR #1850)
- (Fixed) Front-end Eslint update and remove of any (PR #1866)
version 0.6.3 - 2024-11-14
- (Fixed) Front-end OkAndSame status in Upload Modal gives the wrong status (PR #1783)
- (Changed) Back-end Behavior of generating thumbnails on the background (PR #1780)
- (Added) Back-end Add cleanup of non-linked thumbnails on startup (PR #1780)
- (Security) Back-end Move stacktrace out of endpoint into logging (PR #1787)
- (Added) Back-end Save last cleanup DateTime to avoid many runs (PR #1789)
- (Fixed) Back-end Suggest API gives 200 when no suggestions are found (PR #1797)
- (Fixed) Back-end Timeout in Thumbnail cleaner fixed (PR #1798)
- (Fixed) Back-end Add logging for thumbnail background scanning (PR #1798)
- (Fixed) Front-end Invalid date parsing (PR #1802, Issue #1508)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix for query home item (PR #1803)
- (Added) Front-end Add UI element to open current folder in archive view (PR #1803)
- (Fixed) Front-end Change command + e message (PR #1804)
- (Fixed) Front-end add Including fallback for files without extension (PR #1806)
- (Fixed) Back-end next/prev fixes for folder with same name as a file (PR #1806)
- (Fixed) Back-end next/prev fixes to ignore xmp/json files (PR #1806)
- (Fixed) Back-end LensModel to loop and avoid returning default values. (PR #1807)
- (Fixed) Back-end LensModel add tests for sony raw files to avoid default values (PR #1807)
- (Fixed) Front-end increase description limit (Issue #1810) (PR #1814)
- (Fixed) Back-end Change reading order to favor XMP for description/title field (PR #1814)
- (Fixed) Back-end OrderBy ImageFormat and then alphabet (PR #1815)
- (Added) Back-end WebP support for sync, thumbnails, reading & writing (PR #1813)
- (Added) Back-end Psd support for sync, reading & writing (no thumbnail) (PR #1817)
- (Added) Front-end Cache display issue with fileName contains (PR #1817)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.404 (Runtime: 8.0.11) (PR #1821)
- (Fixed) Back-end Prev/Next issue with duplicates in cache (PR #1827)
- (Changed) Front-end Update npm depedencies, leaflet changes (PR #1825)
version 0.6.2 - 2024-10-11
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.302 (Runtime: 8.0.6) (PR #1601)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade npm packages (PR #1603)
- (Fixed) Back-end Query execution was interrupted, Regex Timeout (Issue #1628, #1590) (PR #1676)
- (Fixed) Back-end Download Exiftool did not work (PR #1677)
- (Changed) Back-end Change password hashing security and auto-upgrade path (PR #1688)
- (Changed) Back-end Fixed models for replace (PR #1740)
- (Changed) Tools Update cypress and eslint to 9 (PR #1740)
- (Changed) Front-end Make more properties readonly for internal security (PR #1740)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.403 (Runtime: 8.0.10) (PR #1751)
version 0.6.1 - 2024-05-16
- (Changed) Front-end Make prev / next more contrast (PR #1511)
- (Fixed) Docs Demo site is not working (PR #1486)
- (Fixed) Back-end GetFileNameRegex refactor to avoid timeouts (PR #1515)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.204 (Runtime: 8.0.4) (PR #1541)
- (Fixed) Back-end Unhandled exception DbUpdateException (PR #1558 Issue #1489)
- (Fixed) Back-end Regex timeout IsExtensionForce (PR #1542 Issue #1537)
- (Fixed) Back-end Concurrency conflicts bug (PR #1565 Issue #1564)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.300 (Runtime: 8.0.5) (PR #1584)
- (Changed) App Update Electron version (PR #1586)
version 0.6.0 - 2024-03-15
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.202 (Runtime: 8.0.3) (PR #1464)
- (Fixed) Back-end Latest version check from 0.5.10+ is not working due order check (PR #1477)
- (Fixed) Back-end Update fallback and custom update messages (PR #1477)
- (Fixed) Back-end Regex timeout for FileNamesHelper (PR #1457)
- (Fixed) Back-end Logger webftpcli (PR #1457)
- (Fixed) Front-end change to update url to docs site
version 0.6.0-beta.3 - 2024-03-11
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix Dispose issue for WriteTagsAndRenameThumbnailAsync, WriteTagsAsync (Windows) (PR #1437) (Issue #1427)
- (Changed) Back-end Change all tests from AreEqual(true) to IsTrue, also for false (PR #1437)
- (Changed) Back-end Update ImageSharp (PR #1434, #1435, #1436)
- (Changed) Back-end Change unit tests retry OpenDefault windows (PR #1433)
- (Changed) Back-end Update Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql, ImageSharp.Drawing, ReportGenerator, OpenTelemetry.*.AspNetCore, System.Text.Json, MSTest and Coverlet (PR #1438)
- (Changed) Back-end Fix for Code Smells and Sonarcloud bugs (PR #1440)
- (Fixed) Back-end Longer regex timeout for GetFileName (PR #1444)
- (Fixed) Back-end Warnings for Sonarcloud (PR #1445)
- (Fixed) Front-end Fix list item status OkAndSame is not red anymore (PR #1445)
- (Removed) Back-end Unused .NET cultures (PR #1453)
- (Changed) Back-end Change GetParentPath() to avoid regex due timeout (PR #1461)
- (Added) Desktop Add support for Apple Silicon Mac OS in Desktop App (PR #1454)
- (Added) Desktop SonarScanner for Desktop App (PR #1454)
version 0.6.0-beta.2 - 2024-03-05
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.201 (Runtime: 8.0.2) (PR #1402)
- (Added) Back-end Native Open File on Windows & Mac OS (PR #1381)
- (Added) Back-end Native Open File with specific editor on Windows & Mac OS (PR #1381)
- (Added) Back-end AppSettings for Collections / Stacks and Open File (PR #1381)
- (Breaking Change) Back-end Rename UseLocalDesktopUi to UseLocalDesktop (PR #1381)
- (Added) Back-end ImageFormat = ExtensionRolesHelper.ImageFormat.directory (PR #1381)
- (Added) Back-end Add role to info api (PR #1381)
- (Added) Front-end Add settings for Open File (PR #1381)
- (Added) Back-end rename starsky core to starsky.project.web (PR #1381)
- (Changed) Back-end Keep /api/trash/detect-to-use-system-trash although its rm here and re added (PR #1381)
- (Removed) Back-end Remove verbose option in UI (setting is hidden now) (PR #1381)
- (Added) Front-end German translations (PR #1381)
- (Added) Front-end command + shift + k go to settings now (PR #1381)
- (Removed) App Removed overwrite of open app in desktop (replaced with native open file) (PR #1381)
- (Added) App Add 'App Settings' to the menu (PR #1381)
- (Added) Front-end Add warning when opening a lot pictures at one: "Do you really want to edit all of the selected photos?" (PR #1381)
- (Changed) Front-end isRelativeUrl check for redirect (PR #1419)
- (Breaking changes) App System requirements for Windows and Mac OS are changed see release notes (PR #1422)
- (Fixed) Front-end Add Tooltip to explain that tags are comma separated (PR #1422) (Issue #1405)
- (Fixed) Docs Make getting started more clear (PR #1422) (Issue #1403)
- (Fixed) Front-end Add link to docs page for storage folder (PR #1422) (Issue #1404)
- (Security) Front-end spellcheck false on email and password fields (PR #1430)
- (Fixed) Front-end Tooltip is partly not shown (PR #1430)
- (Changed) Front-end View user friendly name for Default Desktop user (PR #1430)
- (Changed) Docs Use Google Consent Mode, only for docs, other apps have no Google (PR #1424)
version 0.6.0-beta.1 - 2024-02-18
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.200 (Runtime: 8.0.2) (PR #1382)
- (Fixed) Back-end Docker update base package and no recommendations install (PR #1393)
- (Fixed) Back-end Corrupt images where generated due import (Issue started with .NET 8) (PR #1392)
- (Fixed) Back-end Flush issue with Upload (PR #1394)
version 0.6.0-beta.0 - 2024-02-11
- (Added) Back-end Add support for OpenTelemetry (server side only) (PR #1323)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 8 - SDK 8.0.100 (Runtime: 8.0.1) (PR #1335)
- (Fixed) Tools Fix runtime & update end2end (PR #1355)
- (Fixed) Back-end Build project more clear info object (PR #1354)
- (Fixed) Back-end Move to Serilog (_build only) && update dotnet-sonarScan to the latest version (PR #1353)
- (Changed) Docs Rename codecov.yml, update rules & add documentation for static code analysis (PR #1352)
- (Changed) Back-end Code smell: optional chain expression (PR #1351)
- (Changed) Front-end detail view mp4 refactor & fix video scroll click (PR #1350)
- (Fixed) Back-end Swagger autogen is broken after .NET 8 upgrade (PR #1348)
- (Changed) Front-end Update npm (PR #1347)
- (Fixed) Back-end .NET 8 Code smells (PR #1346, 1345, 1344)
- (Security) Back-end Bump vite, actions/cache, ws, Client App, docs (PR #1343, 1342, 1341, 1339, 1338, 1378)
- (Fixed) Back-end Retry in docker image for npm ci (PR #1369)
- (Fixed) Front-end Clean unused exports (PR #1367)
- (Breaking change) Back-end Removed Direct dependency of Application Insights (PR #1366)
- (Fixed) App Retry if port is used in Electron (PR #1365)
- (Fixed) Front-end ColorClass filter refactor (PR #1364)
- (Fixed) Front-end iOS styling issue (PR #1363)
- (Fixed) Back-end MemoryStream dispose (PR #1361)
- (Fixed) Back-end ReadyToRun faster binary builds (PR #1360)
version 0.5.14 - 2023-12-29
- (Changed) Back-end upgrade various packages (PR #1321 #1322 #1319 #1318 #1317 #1315 #1314 #1312)
version 0.5.13 - 2023-12-13
- (Changed) Front-end Accessibility focus for prev next in detailView (PR #1291)
- (Changed) Front-end Move from div to button Accessibility (PR #1294)
- (Changed) Front-end Front-end version updates (PR #1295, #1296, #1297, #1298, #1299, #1300, #1301, #1303)
- (Changed) Front-end Code style style issues (PR #1304, #1307)
- (Fixed) Front-end long file names in multi select (Issue #1305 PR #1307)
- (Fixed) Back-end Replace tags / info etc. with OkAndSame status (Issue #1175 PR #1308)
- (Changed) Front-end Menu option change to button (PR #1310)
version 0.5.12 - 2023-11-17
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.416 (Runtime: 6.0.24) (PR #1266)
- (Changed) Front-end improve accessibility and code smells (PR #1271, #1274)
- (Changed) Docs Update framework to v3 (PR #1276)
- (Fixed) Back-end Thumbnail CLI MySQL bug (PR #1277, issue #1248)
- (Fixed) Back-end Command Timeout bug (PR #1277, issue #1243)
- (Fixed) Back-end SQLite Error 5 database is locked bug (PR #1277, issue #1225)
- (Fixed) Back-end MySql timeouts bug (PR #1277, issue #1186)
- (Fixed) Back-end Thumbnail CLI null reference bug (PR #1277, issue #1176)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix code smells and add tests (PR #1278)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix builds for Windows (PR #1284)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.417 (Runtime: 6.0.25) (PR #1283)
version 0.5.11 - 2023-10-13
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.413 - see #1256 - (Runtime: 6.0.21) (PR #1205)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.414 - see #1256 - (Runtime: 6.0.22) (PR #1237)
- (Changed) Front-end Move from Create React App to Vite (PR #1204)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade npm packages (PR #1219, 1220, 1228, 1230, 1237, 1240)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade npm packages (PR 1241, 1239, 1252, 1244, 1246, 1247, 1250, 1251)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade github yaml's (PR 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235)
- (Changed) Desktop Upgrade Electron to 26.x (27.0 has removed support for Mac OS 10.13 and 10.14) (PR #1255)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.415 (Runtime: 6.0.23) (PR #1256)
version 0.5.10 - 2023-07-27
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.410 (Runtime: 6.0.16 (PR #1178)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.412 (Runtime: 6.0.20) (PR #1193)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade npm packages (PR #1198)
- (Changed) Back-end Sonarqube settings from sonar.login to sonar.token (PR #1198)
- (Fixed) Back-end Various code smells (PR #1199)
version 0.5.9 - 2023-05-18
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix for duplicate entry for key 'PRIMARY' (PR #1157)
- (Fixed) Tools Update dependencies (PR #1162)
- (Fixed) Docs update documentation (PR #1160, #1167)
- (Fixed) Back-end Add default launchSettings.json (PR #1168)
version 0.5.8 - 2023-04-26
- (Fixed) Back-end Update item takes 3 seconds, so this must be faster Issue #1142 (PR #1146)
- (Fixed) Back-end Info API gives last write date back (PR #1147)
- (Changed) Back-end
checks now if files exists Issue #1126 (PR #1148) - (Fixed) Back-end Fix for duplicate entry for key 'PRIMARY' Issue #1151 (PR #1148)
- (Fixed) Back-end RegexMatchTimeoutException ExtensionRolesHelper.IsExtensionForce Issue #1152 (PR #1148)
- (Fixed) Back-end Desktop app Cmd+E check xmp files / upload Issue #1114 (PR #1154)
- (Fixed) Back-end Index Code bug with null reference (PR #1154)
- (Fixed) Back-end Update ImageSharp/ TimeZoneConverter to latest version (PR #1154)
- (Fixed) Back-end GetSetting ObjectDisposedException bug #1155 (PR #1155)
version 0.5.7 - 2023-04-14
- (Fixed) Back-end Add fallback for detailView image Issue #1106 (PR #1113)
- (Fixed) Back-end Don't write meta.json files for xmp files Issue #1108 (PR #1115)
- (Fixed) Back-end Change spec of meta.json files and make json schema (PR #1115)
- (Fixed) Back-end Code smells, improving readability (PR #1115, #1116, #1121)
- (Changed) Back-end Add help info screen and test for demo CLI (PR #1117)
- (Changed) Desktop Upgrade Electron packages (PR #1118, #1119)
- (Fixed) Front-end Should skip xmp socket updates in collection:true archive list Issue #1107 (PR #1120)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade packages (PR #1122)
- (Changed) Front-end skip xmp in default last week query (PR #1134)
- (Changed) Back-end Multiple or queries seperated by comma (PR #1134)
- (Changed) Back-end Fix for ThumbnailQuery DbUpdateConcurrencyException (PR #1134)
- (Changed) Back-end Change default readOnlyFolders (PR #1134)
- (Fixed) Front-end Remove skip next item (Issue #1105) (PR #1135)
- (Removed) Back-end Remove deprecated internal query api GetAllRecursive (PR #1135)
- (Fixed) Back-end GetFileName longer timeout for slow devices (PR #1135)
- (Fixed) Front-end Add preloader state for update geo location (PR #1135)
- (Fixed) Back-end Change tests for MySqlDatabaseFixes (PR #1135)
- (Fixed) Back-end
gives xmp (Issue #1127) (PR #1136) - (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.408 (Runtime: 6.0.16) ( PR #1137)
version 0.5.7-beta.0 - 2023-03-20
- (Added) Devops Add stable release to github container registry
version 0.5.6 - 2023-03-19
Known issues #1106, #1107 and #1108
- (Added) Back-end Internal service for system trash (windows and mac os) (PR #1071)
- (Changed) Back-end Unit test to multi threaded (PR #1071)
- (Added) Back-end Add API for System Trash or Meta data trash (PR #1078)
- (Added) Back-end Add feature toggle
(PR #1078) - (Removed) Back-end Remove
sync query (use async instead) (PR #1078) - (Changed) Front-end Removal of Directories (PR #1085)
- (Changed) Back-end Remove folder data in
(PR #1085) - (Added) Front-end Add MoreMenu remove current folder (PR #1085)
- (Changed) Front-end MoreMenu refactor (PR #1085)
- (Changed) Front-end Removal of Directories (PR #1085)
- (Changed) Front-end Hide parts of menu in UseLocalDesktop(Ui) mode (PR #1087)
- (Fixed) Front-end Fixed 300 eslint issues (PR #1087)
- (Changed) Back-end when deleting in systemTrash mode xmp files are now deleted (PR #1088)
- (Changed) Back-end test when deleting in server mode: xmp files are gone fixed (PR #1088)
- (Changed) Back-end xmp database changes test (PR #1088)
- (Changed) Back-end re-sync test with changed xmp (PR #1088)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.407 (Runtime: 6.0.15) ( PR #1096)
- (Changed) Back-end Add more first bytes support to detect imageFormat (PR #1097)
- (Changed) Front-end When deleting the item is going to the next or one folder below (PR #1097)
- (Fixed) Back-end should not add xmp files to thumbnail query table (PR #1100)
version 0.5.5 - 2023-02-17
- (Fixed) Back-end Remove UpdateItem and AddItem from IQuery, instead use async (PR #1067)
- (Fixed) Back-end Sync compare on last edited date time instead on DateTime.Now (PR #1067)
- (Fixed) Back-end tar.gz longer filename support (PR #1069)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.406 (Runtime: 6.0.14) ( PR #1075)
- (Changed) Docs Upgrade Docusaurus npm deps (PR #1074)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade client npm deps (PR #1073)
version 0.5.5-beta.0 - 2023-02-07
- (Fixed) Back-end Make warning work again when database is missing (Issue #1045, PR #1044, #1046)
- (Fixed) Back-end Add retry when thumbnail cleaning and database errors (Issue #1040, PR #1046)
- (Fixed) Desktop Windows Desktop App did not start (PR #1047)
- (Fixed) Back-end Add auto install
for Windows package manager (winGet) for .NET and node (PR #1047) - (Fixed) Desktop Upgrade Electron to 22.1.0 and fix tests (PR #1047)
- (Updated) CI Update Github Actions (20230206, PR #1063, #1062, #1061, #1060, #1059)
- (Updated) Docs Update Docusaurus (PR #1055, #1049)
- (Added) Back-end Add option for cmd line args for web app (PR #1054)
- (Added) Back-end Service deploy script for Windows (PR #1053)
version 0.5.4 - 2023-01-31
- (Added) Back-end App insights metrics for internal queues (PR #1028)
- (Added) Back-end no request validation and 400 status code for
(PR #1030) - (Added) Back-end no request validation and 400 status code for
(PR #1030) - (Added) Back-end no request validation and 400 status code for
(PR #1030) - (Changed) Tests Update create directory end2end tests (PR #1030)
- (Changed) Tests retry end2end test: Create Rename Dir > delete it afterwards (PR #1032)
- (Changed) Back-end Add thumbnail query delete for not found items (PR #1032)
- (Fixed) Back-end starskyWebHtmlCli missing db context and crashed (PR #1032)
- (Fixed) Back-end fixing import disposed exception (issue #1033 / PR #1034)
- (Security) Back-end Run default user in container as non-root (PR #1035)
- (Changed) Back-end move port environment variable to application instead of docker file (PR #1036)
- (Changed) Back-end set default port to 4000 (PR #1036)
- (Added) Back-end add feature flag GeoFilesSkipDownloadOnStartup, recommend to keep false or null (PR #1036)
- (Added) Back-end add feature flag ExiftoolSkipDownloadOnStartup, recommend to keep false or null (PR #1036)
- (Added) Back-end add unit tests for dependency injection helpers (PR #1038)
- (Fixed) Back-end GetFileName Regex timeout (PR #1041)
- (Added) Docs Improve documentation (PR #1042, #1043)
version 0.5.3 - 2023-01-23
- (Security) Back-end Add Regex timeouts to avoid DoS (PR #1012)
- (Added) Docs Add section about how to install desktop, macOS and Linux (PR #1015)
- (Added) Back-end Database table that stores the status of thumbnails (PR #1020, #1013)
- (Changed) Back-end Update telemetry fields (PR #1020)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.405 (Runtime: 6.0.13) ( PR #1021)
- (Changed) Back-end Update thumbnail list on MetaUpdate (PR #1022)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade nuget / docusaurus / client app / desktop dependencies (PR #1022)
- (Changed) Tests Upgrade cypress dependencies and fix some tests (PR #1022)
- (Changed) Back-end Telemetry fallback values (PR #1022)
- (Changed) Back-end Thumbnail Generation Controller refactor to service (PR #1022)
- (Fixed) Back-end Thumbnail Query rename to already existing thumbnail name fix (PR #1022)
- (Fixed) Back-end Thumbnail upload with
is allowed to match the right size version e.g.@2000
(PR #1022) - (Changed) Back-end Move
to separate controller, but does not change url (PR #1022) - (Added) Back-end Add Periodic Thumbnail Create service (PR #1022)
version 0.5.2 - 2022-12-22
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.404 (Runtime: 6.0.12) ( PR #997)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade Create React App / Typescript / storybook (PR #998)
- (Changed) Front-end Geo location edit in detail view (PR #996)
- (Changed) Front-end Dark-mode UI tweaks (PR #999)
- (Fixed) Back-end Avoid duplicate input when replace (Issue #995 / PR #1000)
- (Fixed) Back-end Rename Exception (Issue #994 / PR #1001)
- (Fixed) Back-end GPX file loaded (Issue #763 / PR #1002)
- (Fixed) Desktop Upgrade dependencies desktop / add script update deps in docs (PR #1003)
- (Fixed) Front-end Geo updates are now realtime and Update documentation (PR #1005)
version 0.5.1 - 2022-12-10
- (Added) Docs New documentation site (PR #971)
- (Changed) Back-end First user after registration is Admin to avoid issues with editing storage folder (PR #977)
- (Fixed) Back-end when importing --move false is fixed (PR #978)
- (Fixed) Back-end DiskWatcher with a non-existing folder does not crash (PR #978)
- (Fixed) Back-end Import from read only folder does not partly import files and crash (PR #978)
- (Fixed) Back-end Docker compose issues with file rights on Mac OS (PR #980)
- (Added) Back-end More docs about how use the software (PR #981)
- (Fixed) Back-end Publish on read-only files gives 0 items back (PR #938)
- (Fixed) Front-end Move file button out of screen iOS (Issue #859 PR #984)
- (Fixed) Desktop Update window of desktop again works again (Issue #987 PR #987)
- (Fixed) Front-end Add display of sorting option (Issue #985 PR #987)
- (Fixed) Desktop Fix settings names remove valueOf (PR #987)
- (Fixed) Back-end Seed Data CLI & Docker with deps bugfixes (PR #993)
version 0.5.0 - 2022-11-18
- (Changed) Desktop Save minimum size for windows (all platforms) (PR #948)
- (Changed) Back-end Windows OS Camera Timezone issues and SQLite startup issues (PR #952)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.403 (Runtime: 6.0.11) ( PR #958)
- (Changed) Back-end GlobalJson for specific version .NET (PR #957)
- (Changed) Back-end Get thumbnail files from raw files, now shown yet (PR #959)
- (Changed) Desktop Download first to tmp file and then rename (PR #961)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade ClientApp to latest versions (PR #963)
- (Breaking Change) Back-end Only allow 0.5.x desktop apps to connect (PR #966)
- (Changed) General Milestone 2 is closed: https://github.com/qdraw/starsky/milestone/2
Summary of breaking changes in 0.5.0-beta.0-9 versions
- (0.5.0-beta.9) App Rename StarskyApp to StarskyDesktop (PR #887)
- (0.5.0-beta.9) Back-end Use Application Insights Connection String (PR #920)
- (0.5.0-beta.9) Back-end Use Data Protection Keys in Database instead of on disk (PR #933)
- (0.5.0-beta.4) Back-end WebSocket Data Model is changed (PR #712)
- (0.5.0-beta.4) Back-end remove System messages and replaced it with type keyword (PR #712)
- (0.5.0-beta.4) Back-end Add types for web sockets (PR #712)
- (0.5.0-beta.4) Back-end for mysql: utf8mb4 is now used for the database and applied after the migrations are executed (PR #723)
- (0.5.0-beta.3) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6
- (0.5.0-beta.3) Back-end Change mirror locations (exiftool/geonames) (PR #642)
- (0.5.0-beta.1) Back-end change default option in Thumbnail-er cli to scan directories to enabled (-t true default) (PR #601)
- (0.5.0-beta.0) CLI Removed sync cli (starskysynccli) which is replaced by starskysynchronizecli (PR #563)
- (0.5.0-beta.0) Back-end rename "/api/sync/mkdir" to /api/disk/mkdir (PR #574)
- (0.5.0-beta.0) Back-end rename "/api/sync/rename" to /api/disk/rename (PR #574)
- (0.5.0-beta.0) Back-end Dropped support for older Mac OS version: now 10.15+ is required
version 0.5.0-beta.9 - 2022-11-04
- (Changed) Back-end Last Edited is updated when Single Sync a file (PR #916)
- (Changed) Back-end Code style quality, move search to feature, sealed classes (PR #917, #919, #922, #921)
- (Breaking Change) Back-end Use Application Insights Connection String instead of Instrumentation Key (PR #920, Issue #908)
- (Added) Back-end Use Country code in geo services (PR #923)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.402 (Runtime: 6.0.10) ( PR #931)
- (Breaking Change) Back-end Use Data Protection Keys in Database instead of on disk (PR #933)
- (Added) Back-end Demo mode in application (PR #943, #944, #945, #946)
- (Changed) App Upgrade Electron to 21.x (PR #887)
- (Breaking Change) App Rename StarskyApp to StarskyDesktop (PR #887)
version 0.5.0-beta.8 - 2022-10-11
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade Nuget packages (PR #878)
- (Security) Back-end Update Security Headers e.g. CSP, Permissions Policy (PR #880, #881)
- (Security) Tools Update node dependencies (PR #888, #884, #883, #879, #898, #901, #902, #904)
- (Fixed) Back-end Manual sync exception should not keep lock activated (PR #889)
- (Changed) Back-end Use node 18.x in Dockerfile (PR #895)
- (Changed) Tools Allow other projects as argument in dotnet-sdk-version-update.js (PR #895)
- (Security) Back-end Add option for secure cookies App Settings:
(PR #896) - (Changed) Back-end Refactor: MultiFile directory sync to avoid database calls (PR #894)
- (Changed) Back-end Performance update for SyncService to avoid database calls and multithreading (PR #900)
- (Changed) Back-end UseDiskWatcher to queue every 20 seconds to avoid database calls (PR #903)
- (Added) Back-end Add Settings Database Table incl. migration (PR #905)
- (Added) Back-end Add feature toggle in AppSettings:
(PR #905) - (Added) Back-end Sync latest changes on startup of application (PR #905)
- (Changed) Back-end Code quality: Apply C# nullable for foundation.database project (PR #905 & rework PR #906)
- (Security) Front-end Client App - Create React App - Upgrade dependencies (PR #910)
- (Issue) Tools Upgrade Cypress end2end testing tool to v10 (PR #911)
version 0.5.0-beta.7 - 2022-09-20
- (Changed) Back-end Change is overwritten in same release Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.302 ( Runtime: 6.0.7) (PR #838)
- (Fixed) Back-end Null reference exceptions on mysql (PR #789 & Issue #787)
- (Fixed) Back-end Retry for InvalidOperationException when Add Item (PR #789 & Issue #802)
- (Fixed) Back-end Slug should not be
(PR #789 & Issue #797) - (Security) Back-end Upgrade nuget packages (PR #845)
- (Changed) Back-end Change is overwritten in same release Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.400 ( Runtime: 6.0.8) (PR #855)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.401 (Runtime: 6.0.9) ( PR #870)
- (Issue) Tools Re-enable end2end test in CI (2022-09-20)
version 0.5.0-beta.6 - 2022-07-13
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade React 17.x to React 18.x (Part 2) CreateRoot change (PR #748)
- (Fixed) Front-end Also allow realtime updates on home page (PR #748)
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade HealthChecks-packages, RazorLight, MetadataExtractor, System.Text.Json to latest version (PR #749)
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade Swashbuckle, Test.Sdk, TestFramework to latest version (PR #749)
- (Fixed) Back-end retry: InvalidOperationException: Can't replace active reader (PR #745)
- (Fixed) Front-end Cmd or Ctrl + A in Search/Trash is selecting all items (PR #755)
- (Changed) Tools Change build tool to from Cake to Nuke (PR #801, PR #791, PR #805, PR #806)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.301 (Runtime: 6.0.6) ( PR #796)
- (Changed) Back-end Include exiftool, admin1CodesASCII and cities1000 in build script (PR #815)
- (Changed) Back-end Change exiftool, admin1CodesASCII and cities1000 location to dependencies folder instead of temp (PR #815)
- (Added) Back-end Add 'osx-arm64' target to download and build scripts (PR #815)
- (Issue) Need to be fixed issue: #771
version 0.5.0-beta.5 - 2022-05-11
- (Changed) Back-end Upgraded in same release ~ Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.202 (Runtime: 6.0.4) (PR #720)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade React 17.x to React 18.x (except createRoot change) (PR #724)
- (Security) Frond-end Upgrade ClientApp CRA (Create React App 5.0.1 (2022-04-12)) (PR #724)
- (Added) Back-end Fixed locale issue with Notification API (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) (PR #730)
- (Change) Back-end Notification Content change from text to mediumtext (PR #731)
- (Change) Back-end FileIndexItem Size column change from int to bigint (PR #731)
- (Security) App Upgrade Electron to 18.0.4 (Node 16.x and Chromium 100.0.x) (PR #729)
- (Security) Front-end Upgrade npm packages tools and ClientApp (PR #732)
- (Change) Back-end Changed SHA1CryptoServiceProvider to SHA1.Create (PR #733)
- (Change) Back-end For Development change http port to 4000 instead of 5000 (PR #738)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.300 (Runtime: 6.0.5) (PR #746)
- (Fixed) App In the StarskyApp click with the middle mouse button on item gives a blank page (Issue #743 / PR #743)
- (Fixed) App In the StarskyApp Reload waiting to go to app keeps hanging (Issue #737 / PR #743)
version 0.5.0-beta.4 - 2022-04-15
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.201 (Runtime: 6.0.3) (PR #674)
- (Added) Back-end Added package telemetry (Disable using: EnablePackageTelemetry setting) (PR #657)
- (Added) Back-end Add Package Telemetry to Background Service (PR #683)
- (Added) Back-end Add Telemetry debug option:
(PR #701) - (Fixed) Tools Show Quality Gate during Pull Requests (PR #707)
- (Fixed) Front-end React unit tests are now succeeding using Windows, Mac/Linux did already work (PR #708)
- (Fixed) Back-end Reference errors for Telemetry (PR #709 / Issue #710)
- (Fixed) Back-end Issue where colorClass import transform gives a wrong fileHash in database (PR #709)
- (Fixed) Back-end Parent database items missing, added check (PR #713 / Issue #711)
- (Fixed) Back-end ColorClass is not written down (bug from #709) (PR #717)
- (Breaking Change) Back-end WebSocket Data Model is changed (PR #712)
- (Breaking Change) Back-end remove System messages and replaced it with type keyword (PR #712)
- (Breaking Change) Back-end Add types for web sockets (PR #712)
- (Change) Back-end Notification Table (including Data Migration) (PR #712)
- (Change) Back-end The following Import Table fields: ColorClass and DateTimeFromFileName are added (including Data Migration) (PR #712)
- (Fixed) Back-end TrackDependency will be ignored when null (PR #712)
- (Change) Back-end Split MetaReplace and MetaUpdate into two separate controllers (PR #712)
- (Change) Back-end Fix null checks for ReadGpxFile (PR #712)
- (Change) Back-end Add Notification controller to get recent history of notifications (PR #712)
- (Added) Back-end Default values
to SyncIgnore (PR #712) - (Added) Front-end Change checks for WebSocket Messages to support new pattern (PR #712)
- (Added) Front-end Save server side datetime objects to query history notifications api (PR #712)
- (Added) Back-end Add cleanup job for old notifications in database (PR #712)
- (Breaking Change) Back-end for mysql: utf8mb4 is now used for the database and applied after the migrations are executed (PR #723)
- (Added) Back-end for mysql: AutoIncrement on Notifications table (PR #723)
- (Removed) ImportQuery.NetFramework class is removed (PR #723)
- (Change) Back-end Retry when: Can't replace active reader (mysql) (PR #723)
- (Change) Back-end Fix for sizes larger than int.MaxValue (no PR 15/4)
version 0.5.0-beta.3 - 2022-03-09
- (Breaking change) Back-end Upgrade to .NET 6 - SDK 6.0.200 (PR #642)
- (Breaking change) Back-end Change mirror locations (exiftool/geonames) (PR #642)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade deps ImageSharp and RazorLight (PR #652)
- (Changed) Back-end Write stream to unique temp folder to avoid collision with filenames (PR #653)
- (Changed) Tools Fix some end2end tests (PR #653)
- (Fixed) Back-end System.OutOfMemoryException trigger Garbage collection (PR #661 / Issue #660)
- (Fixed) Back-end Remove Apple from VideoUseLocalTime since they use UTC (PR #661)
- (Fixed) Back-end Write first tmp file in upload controller to avoid partly written stream ( PR #661 / Issue #662)
- (Fixed) Back-end PreserveCompilationContext set for RazorLight cshtml generation
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix ImageSharp default behavior for writing base64 strings (PR #665 / Issue #664)
- (Fixed) Back-end Should not add TelemetryClient, instead re-use it to avoid memory issues ( PR #666)
- (Fixed) Back-end When publish use extension of output type instead of source type (PR #666)
- (Fixed) Back-end Add retry with delay for QueryGetAllObjects (PR #666)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix culture for tests and mp4/quicktime (PR #673)
- (Fixed) Back-end SyncWatcherConnector add f= path to application insights (PR #673)
- (Fixed) Back-end Add properties to
(PR #673) - (Fixed) Back-end Skip ExifTool Download when setting
(PR #676)
version 0.5.0-beta.2 - 2022-02-18
- (Changed) Back-end Add correct connect-src url for websocket without port (PR #606)
- (Changed) Back-end UTC Time fix for quicktime based videos (PR #617)
- (Fixed) Back-end Unit test fix for dates that does not contain 1 (PR #617)
- (Fixed) Back-end AddRangeAsync fix for DbUpdateConcurrencyException (PR #634)
version 0.5.0-beta.1 - 2022-01-11
- (Changed) Back-end Add request tracking for FSW SyncWatcherConnector (PR #589)
- (Changed) Tools Add insider script for download Github artifacts (PR #589)
- (Changed) App Middle mouse click in Electron app shows login page instead of content (PR #596 Issue #592 and PR #600)
- (Changed) Front-end Add Trash title instead of !delete! (PR #597)
- (Changed) Front-end Add Search query title instead (PR #597)
- (Changed) Front-end Order by ImageFormat and then by filename (PR #598)
- (Breaking change) Back-end change default option in Thumbnail-er cli to scan directories to enabled (-t true default) (PR #601)
- (Added) Back-end env variable to create swagger export and exit (PR #601)
- (Added) Back-end ARW SubIfd does contain multiple objects (PR #639)
- (Fixed) Back-end When zoom, edit and go back the image is gone (PR #638)
version 0.5.0-beta.0 - 2021-12-29
- (Breaking change) CLI Removed sync cli (starskysynccli) which is replaced by starskysynchronizecli (PR #563)
- (Removed) CLI Removed Net framework version which is replaced by .NET Core (PR #563)
- (Breaking change) Back-end Removed obsolete SubPathSlashRemove API (PR #563)
- (Breaking change) Back-end Removed old sync API (PR #563)
- (Security) Front-end Upgrade Prettier 2.5.1 and React scripts 5.0.0 (PR #569)
- (Breaking change) Front-end Prettier new eslint rules 4.0.0 (PR #569)
- (Fixed) Back-end IndexController with empty string introduced with removal of SubPathSlashRemove (PR #571)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade Electron to 16.x and Electron Builder to 22.14.x (PR #571)
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename "/api/sync/mkdir" to /api/disk/mkdir (PR #574)
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename "/api/sync/rename" to /api/disk/rename (PR #574)
- (Changed) Tools Upgrade local build tools Cake (Cake isn't used anymore) and dotnet-reportGenerator-globalTool and dotnet-sonarScanner (PR #575)
- (Changed) Back-end Avoid Disposed Query objects in syncWatcherConnector (PR #575)
- (Changed) Back-end change FileSystemWatcher to BufferingFileSystemWatcher (PR #575)
- (Changed) Back-end Add filter for FileSystemWatcher spamming with lots of events (PR #575)
- (Added) Back-end Feature toggle to disable login for localhost requests (PR #579)
- (Added) Back-end Check if account exists middleware UseCheckIfAccountExist (PR #579)
- (Added) Front-end Setup with wrong database connection give now explanation (PR #581)
- (App) Back-end UI update with storage folder is reverted after restart (PR #584 Issue #582)
- (Fixed) Back-end NoAccountLocalhostMiddleware with no database has no roles error (PR #483)
- (Fixed) Back-end Add ImageStabilisation and database migration (only add new field) (PR #483)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fixed issue with Sony Lens Tamron lenses are displaying dashes (PR #483)
- (App) Back-end UI update with storage folder is reverted after restart (PR #584 Issue #582)
- (Breaking change) Back-end Dropped support for older Mac OS version: now 10.15+ is required see:
- (Breaking change) Dropped support link: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/main/release-notes/3.1/3.1-supported-os.md
- (Added) Back-end Application Insights track events in DiskWatcherQueue (PR #583)
- (Changed) App Missing content length (PR #587)
- (Changed) App Use generic OSX id (PR #588)
version 0.4.13 - 2021-12-15
- (Added) CLI Add csv option for import CLI (PR #510)
- (Fixed) Tools Dotnet SDK updater build tools (Work in progress) (PR #510)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix for type LockoutEnd (PR #510)
- (Changed) Back-end Add migration for MakeModel in ImportIndex (PR #510)
- (Fixed) Tools Add push to gpx loader for mail (PR #510)
- (Added) Back-end Add feature (appSettings)
- Track database dependencies (PR #528) - (Added) Back-end Add feature toggle (appSettings)
- Add WebLogger output to Application Insights (PR #528) - (Added) Back-end Filter for DiskWatcher sync to prevent database overload (PR #529)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade dependencies for SixLabors.ImageSharp, ApplicationInsights, (PR #533)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade dependencies: System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow, Swashbuckle.AspNetCore and MSTest (PR #533)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade SDK Version to 3.1.415 & Runtime version to 3.1.21 (PR #535)
- (Changed) Back-end Rewrite thumbnail cleaner with chunks (CleanAllUnusedFilesAsync) (PR #531)
- (Changed) Back-end Auto download Exiftool from mirror when main source is not up (PR #531)
- (Changed) Back-end Change default LogLevel settings in appSettings.json (PR #531)
- (Changed) Back-end Handle exceptions for HttpClientHelper to not interrupt (PR #531)
- (Changed) Back-end Change DiskWatcher background queue system (PR #536)
- (Changed) Back-end Add disk telemetry-channels when app is crashed (PR #536)
- (Changed) Back-end Flush Application Insights on ApplicationStopping (PR #536)
- (Changed) Back-end Move GeoBackgroundTask to GeoLookUp feature (PR #540)
- (Changed) Back-end Add 10 seconds cache to UpdateAsync for performance reasons / diskWatcher catch up SetGetObjectByFilePathCache (PR #540)
- (Changed) Back-end Remove NewtonSoftJson from PublishManifest and use System.Text.Json (PR #540)
- (Changed) Back-end Remove NewtonSoftJson from various models (PR #540)
- (Changed) Back-end Remove sync CleanAllUnusedFiles (PR #540)
- (Added) Back-end Add event-counters to application insights https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/eventcounters
- (Added) Back-end setAuthenticatedUserContext for Application Insights (PR #540)
- (Added) Back-end OperationId in RequestTelemetryHelper to track background Tasks in Application Insights (PR #540)
- (Added) Back-end QueueBackgroundWorkItem for DiskWatcher to have a separate queue (PR #540)
- (Changed) Back-end Change GeoLocationWrite to async variant (PR #540)
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade dependencies (PR #548 & #547 & #546 & #545 & #544 & #543 & #542 & #541)
- (Fixed) Back-end Extend ServiceCollectionExtensions to load more Assemblies to get auto mapped by the service attribute (PR #550)
- (Added) Back-end Add Application Insights logging for CLI Applications (Admin, Geo, Import, Synchronize, Thumbnail) (PR #552)
- (Changed) Back-end Add dispose on parallel jobs (PR #552)
- (Added) Back-end Add index for IX_ImportIndex_FileHash and IX_Credentials_Id_Identifier (PR #555)
- (Added) Back-end Fix for cache ManualSync when item is removed or added its now correct updated (PR #555)
- (Fixed) Front-end Fix for Safari 14.x and newer that after close a modal, the scroll isn't locked anymore (PR #555)
- (Fixed) Back-end Add port to websocket url in connect-src for Safari 14.x using different port numbers (PR #555)
- (Fixed) Back-end Exception fix SQLite System.InvalidOperationException: ExecuteReader (PR #556)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix FlushApplicationInsights.FlushAsync System.NullReferenceException (PR #557)
- (Changed) Back-end Upgrade SDK Version to 3.1.416 & Runtime version to 3.1.22 (PR #558)
version 0.4.12 - 2021-11-04
- (Changed) Back-end Your account is locked for an hour when you enter 3 non valid passwords ( PR #443 & #445 & #446)
- (Changed) Back-end Database migration for AccessFailedCount, LockoutEnabled and LockoutEnd in Users table (PR #443 & #445)
- (Fixed) Back-end Group parts of the regex together to make the intended operator precedence explicit for getting Filename in clientApp (PR #444)
- (Breaking change) Tools Dropbox has changed the way it authorized (September 30th, 2021), in dropbox-tools the refresh token is now used (PR #448)
- (Fixed) Back-end Dispose error on index page (Issue #424 / PR #449)
- (Added) Back-end Support for
search (issue #441 / PR #450) - (Added) Back-end Docker compose support (PR #469)
- (Change) Front-end Remove Enzeme as framework for unittests and use react testing framework (PR #463)
- (Change) Back-end Retry for DiskWatcher (PR #479)
- (Change) Back-end Max amount of retry for DiskWatcher when folders are not accessible ( chown) (PR #490)
- (Changed) Back-end DiskWatcher in combination with child folders that have no access keeps a known issue
- (Fixed) Back-end Skip folders with meta thumbnail tool when folder has no read rights (PR #490)
- (Added) Back-end Filter for import (ImportIgnore) (PR #490)
- (Added) Back-end Add to docker hub and multi-arch build with buildx
- (Added) Back-end use docker hub to pull images:
docker pull qdraw/starsky
version 0.4.11 - 2021-09-17
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade .NET Core (TargetFramework) to 3.1.17 (using SDK 3.1.411) (PR #428)
- (Fixed) Back-end Make StorageFolder setting more clear (PR #429)
- (Fixed) Back-end Change how appSettings are read to merge patch files (PR #429)
- (Security) Front-end Upgrade npm packages for clientapp/starskyapp (PR #431)
- (Changed) Back-end Config order is documented in verbose help (add: -h -v to cli apps) (PR #432)
- (Changed) Back-end When new, make more clear how to setup storageFolder path (PR #429)
- (Fixed) Back-end When download.geonames.org is down pick mirror (PR #434)
- (Added) Back-end more logging for exiftool downloader (PR #434)
- (Added) Back-end Fix websocket exception issues (PR #442 Issue #440 #436)
version 0.4.10 - 2021-07-15
- (Fixed) Back-end Performance change, FileIndexItem uses less memory in the application (PR #410)
- (Fixed) Back-end Change Replace to use a single database query and update to empty string ( PR #412)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix fast updating items to update the cache before update (PR #412)
- (Change) Back-end Push direct to socket when update or replace to avoid undo after a second (PR #412)
- (Change) Back-end Add 2000 px and 300 px size for thumbnails to match better with larger and smaller screens (PR #380)
- (Change) Back-end Add Meta Thumbnail (150px) to get faster archive and search pages (PR #380)
- (Change) Back-end Use 2000 px image in overlay (Publish) when available (PR #380)
- (Change) Back-end Start /api/thumbnail-generation in different thread instead of que (PR #380)
- (Added) Back-end Add API "/api/thumbnail/list-sizes/{HashHere}" to check if the multiple sizes are there (PR #414)
- (Change) Back-end Update thumbnail starsky-tools to use list-sizes API (PR #414)
- (Change) Back-end Add support for multiple sizes for the Thumbnail cleaner (PR #419)
- (Fixed) Back-end Set fallback image of ToBase64DataUriList when generation failed, instead of exception (PR #418)
- (Fixed) Back-end Publish retry when output is corrupt (PR #418)
- (Fixed) Front-end Fix check when no results are returned in publish modal (hotfix)
- (Fixed) Tools Change image re-sampler in starsky-tools to bicubic for sharper output (hotfix 2021-07-03)
- (Fixed) Back-end Change image re-sampler in .NET to Lanczos3 for sharper output (hotfix 2021-07-03)
- (Changed) Front-end Change default option to load smaller images (isSingleItem to alwaysLoadImage) (PR #420)
- (Changed) Front-end Upgrade npm packages in clientapp (PR #421)
- (Changed) Tools Upgrade npm packages in starsky-tools/thumbnail (PR #422)
- (Added) App Add logging to app and write it to disk (PR #423)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix issue where sync with empty database adds a folder with only / to view (PR #423)
- (Changed) Back-end Enable useDiskWatcher by default, so file changes are picked up directly (PR #423)
- (Added) App Logs are stored by default in AppData or Application Support or .config folder ( PR #423)
version 0.4.9 - 2021-06-17
- (Fixed) Front-end Show error when update fails in archive list (PR #391)
- (Fixed) Front-end Fix for keeps loading forever if use fileList (archive) fails (issue #382 & PR #392)
- (Fixed) Front-end Add retry/reload button in Application Exception page (PR #392)
- (Fixed) Back-end Refactor Update validation to perform faster (using a single query) (PR #394)
- (Fixed) Back-end Rename thumbnail before exifTool writes the file (PR #396)
- (Fixed) Back-end Issue where filePath is marked as change (PR #401)
- (Fixed) Back-end SolveConcurrencyException also fixed for disposed objects (PR #401)
- (Fixed) Back-end Skip socket push when item is not changed (Issue #399 & PR #402)
- (Fixed) Back-end When updating the tags fast, the tool isn't keep track (now only works when cache is enabled) (PR #402)
version 0.4.8 - 2021-05-07
- (Changed) Front-end Make Archive UI more white & Dark mode UI fixes (PR #358)
- (Added) Front-end In select mode press delete key should move to trash in archive & search view (PR #360 / Issue #357)
- (Fixed) Back-end Remove check if byte size is the same for example when updating colorClass is the same (PR #362)
- (Fixed) Back-end Change Byte size to datetime last-edited (PR #362)
- (Changed) Back-end Need to re-sync thumbnails due changed fileHash (PR #362 & PR #361)
- (Changed) Back-end When run sync v2, only check on last edit time instead of filesize (PR #362 & PR #361)
- (Added) Back-end Added logs to Application Insights when key is configured (PR #363)
- (Added) Back-end Add manual sync for new api (/api/synchronize) and update via websockets ( PR #363)
- (Added) Front-end Change manual sync to new api (/api/synchronize) (PR #363)
- (Fixed) Front-end Force sync is not endless loading after socket update (Issue #371 & PR #375)
- (Fixed) Back-end Publish name with underscore breaks publish api (Issue #369 & PR #376)
version 0.4.7 - 2021-04-11
- (Changed) Back-end add cache for health check and timeout for 10 seconds on health calls (PR #332)
- (Fixed) Front-end Zoom function for mobile (DetailView) (PR #327/ Issue #317)
- (Added) Front-end Keyboard shortcuts Cmd + = and Cmd + - (DetailView) (PR #327/ Issue #317)
- (Fixed) Back-end Sending empty string on "/api/publish/exist" should return true (PR #334)
- (Added) Front-end Add publish option to Search and DetailView (PR #335/ Issue #298)
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade .NET Core (TargetFramework) to 3.1.13 (using SDK 3.1.407) (PR #338 & #337)
- (Changed) Tools make it easier to deploy starsky with the new pm2 instances bash script to auto download releases (PR #341)
- (Fixed) Front-end Publish selection click in modal closes and opens more menu in the right corner of the screen (PR #339/ Issue #336)
- (Fixed) Back-end Performance improvement by hash size limit (pull/348 issue/345)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix for SQLite exception (pull/348 issue/344)
- (Fixed) Tools Make install scripts easier for the server in combination with PM2 (pull/348)
- (Fixed) Back-end DbUpdateConcurrencyException save after, instead of nothing (pull #349)
- (Fixed) Back-end fix issue where rename did not work in combination with useDiskWatcher ( issue #347 pull #349)
- (Fixed) Front-end input field when using safari you should not break words (pull #359)
- (Changed) Back-end Geo CLI downloads now on startup dependencies (Issue #340 / pull #351)
- (Fixed) Back-end Rename service should now work with useDiskWatcher:true (Issue #352 / pull #354 & #355)
- (Fixed) Back-end Delete floating folders in database on scan synchronize (pull #354)
version 0.4.6 - 2021-03-21
- (Added) Front-end add prefilled selected option for
- (Added) Front-end add sort option for fileName and ImageFormat but only on archive pages
- (Fixed) Front-end Switch the text of the show raw button in Display options
- (Fixed) Front-end When last file with colorClass is removed, the display is now correct (PR #313)
- (Fixed) Front-end Implicit delete by updating from sockets should now not cover collection items with the same base name (PR #313)
- (Fixed) Back-end When use DeleteItem the child directories are not stored in the database ( PR #314)
- (Fixed) Back-end Give removed items back when using
as status NotFoundSourceMissing (PR #314) - (Fixed) Back-end Don't create duplicate database items when there is already a database item in the output folder, but not on disk (PR #314)
- (Security) Frond-end Upgrade ClientApp CRA (Create React App 4.0.3 2021-02-22) (PR #318)
- (Security) App Upgrade Electron to 12.x (PR #318)
- (Fixed) App Fix local remote toggle in settings not switching the file watcher (PR #318)
- (Fixed) Back-end DbUpdateConcurrencyException when renaming (PR #320 / Issue #312)
- (Fixed) Front-end Connection error gives now ServerError instead of failing silence (PR #323 / Issue #322 )
- (Fixed) Front-end Flat list behind query parameter
, on archive pages, there is no UI option yet (PR #302 Issue #251) - (Fixed) Front-end DetailView command click on close keeps loading (PR #324 Issue #316)
- (Changed) Front-end Rename of 'Close' to 'Parent Folder' because its looks like closing a window and it isn't the same (PR #324)
version 0.4.5 - 2021-02-14
- (Fixed) Back-end When remove a folder, the files within the folder are still in the database bug issue #188
- (Fixed) Front-end Displaying files in realtime works now issue #275
- (Fixed) Front-end Archive when added tag/description is cleared is still send issue #279
- (Changed) Back-end "/api/thumbnail/{f}" status 409 is changed to status 210
- (Added) Front-end Zoom in detailView issue #242
- (Fixed) Back-end Delete large number of files gives exception issue #281
- (Added) Front-end Keyboard accelerator Command / Ctrl A issue #247
- (Added) Back-end add logger (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions)
- (Added) Back-end RetryHelper for IOExceptions using Windows OS
- (Changed) Back-end Change default logging settings in appsettings.json to have less Information
- (Changed) Back-end Disable TieredCompilationQuickJit and TieredCompilation are disabled for optimization
- (Changed) Back-end performance update for metaPreflight, reduced a cache call. Helpful for large folders
- (Security) Frond-end Upgrade ClientApp CRA (Create React App 4.0.2 2021-02-03)
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade .NET Core (TargetFramework) to 3.1.12 (using SDK 3.1.112)
version 0.4.4 - 2021-01-10
- (Security) App npm audit fix node_modules/ini 1.3.8
- (Fixed) Front-end When updating tags in sidebar and refresh afterwards its now not the old value anymore
- (Fixed) App Starting from another user in Mac OS should work now
- (Fixed) Front-end Label copy (press c and v) does not save with titles - issue #248
- (Fixed) Front-end update websocket data for other items outside view when receiving data bug - issue #265
- (Fixed) App when changing from local to remote it should open new window - issue #271
- (Fixed) App when changing from local to remote it should add watcher be updated - issue #271
- (Fixed) Front-end hide 'sign in instead' button on register page when there are no users yet
version 0.4.3 - 2020-12-24
- (Fixed) Back-end the latest version isn't checked right, it takes the oldest version to compare with
- (Changed) App Rewrite of desktop application
- (Changed) App Desktop settings app-settings is changed to "starksy-app-settings.json"
- (Changed) Back-end Allow version parameter for "/api/health/version"
- (Fixed) Front-end Use real-time update Color class outside selection #252
- (Added) App Add Dutch translation to menu's
- (Fixed) Back-end When saving StorageFolder from Preferences its now saved in the right format
- (Fixed) Back-end Files that are not in the index should not be listed in the cache
- (Security) App node-notifier from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 #258
- (Fixed) Back-end Add check for duplicate folders in the database in synchronize
- (Fixed) Back-end Handling errors for ConcurrencyException when saving #175
- (Fixed) Back-end Handling errors on: DbUpdateConcurrencyException on RemoveItem #261
version 0.4.2 - 2020-12-09
- (Changed) Docs Update docs and remove old projects from docs
- (Security) Frond-end Upgrade ClientApp CRA (Create React App 4.0.1 2020-11-23)
- (Security) Frond-end Upgrade ClientApp Typescript version to 4.1.2
- (Security) Frond-end Upgrade ClientApp React version to 17.0.1
- (Added) Front-end Add warning when Application fails for trash and search
- (Added) Front-end Add menu text & Rename Collection mode to Show raw files
- (Added) Back-end When making new directory this broadcast it correctly using sockets
- (Added) Front-end Enable touch swipe right and left on detailView pages to go next/prev
- (Fixed) Back-end Import is now not adding duplicate content if UseDiskWatcher is faster to add items
- (Fixed) Back-end Add filter (AppSettings.SyncIgnore) for sync (starsky.foundation.sync) #73
- (Added) Back-end Update Sidecar field when running sync
- (Added) Front-end Socket notification close causes app crash
- (Added) Front-end Swipe image set loading state forever
version 0.4.1 - 2020-11-27
- (Fixed) Back-end Extra security headers for browsers
- (Added) Back-end Change fileHash behavior to have more timeout time
- (Added) Back-end add round for focalLength
- (Added) Back-end Realtime Files API (issue #75) behind useDiskWatcher feature toggle
- (Added) Back-end New Sync service 'starsky.foundation.sync' behind new API
- (Added) Back-end Split Sync in starskysynchronizecli and starskythumbnailcli
- (Deprecated) Back-end Old Sync CLI, replaced by starskysynchronizecli (to be removed in future release)
- (Added) Back-end Notify realtime websockets when DiskWatcher detects changes
- (Added) Back-end Notify other users when a file or folder is moved #212
- (Changed) Back-end Importer does update the database when file copy happens #104
- (Fixed) Back-end Item exist but not in folder cache, it now add this item to cache #228
- (Added) Back-end Check if Exiftool exist before running the import CLI
version 0.4.0 - 2020-11-14
Please check the breaking changes of 0.4.0-beta.0 and 0.4.0-beta.1
- (Changed) App Add styling to settings UI in App
- (Fixed) Back-end Add extra catch to prevent sync issues when exif reading fails
- (Deprecated) Back-end Json Sidecar format is very likely to change in future releases and be incompatible
- (Added) App Add extra delay to check for updates to avoid issues when local
- (Added) App Add fix for selecting wrong domains to avoid an exception
- (Fixed) Back-end When switching very fast after update, info isn't updated until process is done (this is fixed)
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade .NET Core (TargetFramework) to 3.1.9 (using SDK 3.1.403)
- (Fixed) Front-end Clean Front-end cache when moving file/renaming file
- (Fixed) Front-end Change text when selecting an non existing filter combination
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix for dispose Errors in Query
- (Fixed) Back-end Allow upload to folder with files that are uppercase
- (Fixed) Back-end Database-item is now correct updated when you move an item to the root folder (/)
- (Security) App Update Electron to 10.1.5 (Node 12.16.x and Chromium 85.0.x)
- (Added) Back-end In the rename/move API When enable Collections, this files are also moved ( file to folder)
- (Added) Back-end Xmp sidecar files are moved with gif/bmp/Raw/mp4 file types
- (Added) Back-end In the rename API When enable Collections, this files are also moved (file to deleted)
- (Deprecated) App The current app-settings (so only the default app/remote location) are going to change. if you update those could be gone. but you could set them again
version 0.4.0-beta.2 - 2020-11-04
- (Changed) Front-end Enable sockets client side option by default
- (Changed) Back-end UseRealtime (sockets) backend option changed to enable by default
- (Fixed) Front-end When updating files with realtime mode on, collection mode raws are shown after update
- (Added) Back-end API to check if current version is the latest on github releases
- (Added) Front-end Clientside check for latest version (click away for 4 days)
- (Added) App Check for latest version and click away for 4 days
version 0.4.0-beta.1 - 2020-10-31
First release on Github Releases
- (Added) App Press 'Command/Ctrl + E' to Edit a file with local tools (Mac OS & Windows)
- (Fixed) Front-end Going next en prev in search detail view context is going more smooth
- (Fixed) Back-end Allow websockets in CSP for Safari and old Firefox
- (Breaking change) Back-end Change "/api/health/version" now its needed to upgrade StarskyApp to 0.3 or newer
- (Added) Back-end Add Sidecar API (xmp files) for getting by filepath
- (Added) Back-end Uploading Sidecar API (xmp files)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix issue where rename did serve a 500 page after successful renaming
- (Fixed) Back-end Uploading image with colorClass keeps it own colorClass instead of number 0/ grey
- (Fixed) Back-end Remove file from temp folder after thumbnail upload (and copy it to thumbnailTemp)
- (Deprecated) inotify-settings Plans to integrate inotify-wait in to the core product
- (Added) Back-end Add Caching back for /api/info to 1 minute
- (Added) Back-end Add Lens Info as field within MakeModel (exif read / xmp read / exiftool write)
- (Added) Back-end Update Exif Height/ Width when writing XMP files
- (Added) Front-end Hide large aspect ratios, so show 4:3 but hide 120:450
- (Added) App Use separate config vars when in non-package mode and production
- (Added) Back-end Logout page is working again
version 0.4.0-beta.0 - 2020-10-19
New Feature: In this release websockets are used (note: when using reverse config)
- (Added) Front-end Update view when other clients are updating content
- (Changed) Front-end In GPX view mode & when unlocked: touchZoom and doubleClickZoom are enabled
- (Fixed) Front-end When file is added to view, the colorClassActiveList is updated
- (Fixed) Front-end When folder or file is renamed the clientside cache is not correct
- (Fixed) Front-end When in Archive mode and 'Move file to trash' client cache is cleared
- (Added) Back-end Add identifier to '/api/account/status'
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api "/account/login" to "/api/account/login"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api "/account/register" to "/api/account/register"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api "/account/register/status" to " /api/account/register/status"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/api/removeCache" to "/api/remove-cache"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/api/downloadPhoto" to "/api/download-photo"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/api/export/createZip" to " /api/export/create-zip"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/export/zip/{f}.zip" to " /api/export/zip/{f}.zip"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/redirect/SubpathRelative" to " /redirect/sub-path-relative"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/api/search/relativeObjects" to " /api/search/relative-objects"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/api/search/removeCache" to " /api/search/remove-cache"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/sync/mkdir" to "/api/sync/mkdir"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/sync" to "/api/sync"
- (Breaking change) Back-end rename api from "/sync/rename" to "/api/sync/rename"
- (Added) Front-end When source is missing don't allow user to perform actions in DetailView
- (Added) Front-end Add link in "/account/login" to account register when user is already logged-in
- (Fixed) Back-end Upload with direct path is working again
version 0.3.3 - 2020-10-10
In the next major release websockets are used, please note when using a reverse proxy
- (Fixed) Back-end Allow web app to run outside current folder
- (Fixed) Back-end Allow linking existing env variables to make configuration easier
- (Added) Back-end Realtime foundation project to support WebSocket updates (start on issue #75)
- (Added) Back-end Importer asterisk does not always pick first item (fix issue #140)
- (Added) Back-end Health Details are logged without Json Exception in Application Insights
- (Added) Front-end Add link to register page on login screen
- (Added) Front-end Add link to login page on register screen
- (Added) Front-end Add 'Move to Trash' to search pages
- (Fixed) Front-end Allow searching for query
- (Fixed) Front-end Allow case-insensitive search query for
- (Fixed) Front-end Add loading delete and undo delete for trash page
- (Changed) Front-end Upload multiple files after each other instead of in once
- (Fixed) Front-end Show error status when upload fails instead of loading
- (Added) Front-end Archive/Search/Trash - When in select mode you can add multiple files to the selection by pressing the shift key and click
- (Added) Front-end In the search suggestion field arrow up and down keys select next / prev
- (Fixed) Front-end When typing a suggestion remove the field gives you the main menu back
- (Security) App update Electron to 9.3.1
version 0.3.2 - 2020-09-19
- (Fixed) Front-end DetailView - DateTime push in DetailView has no influence on colorClass anymore
- (Fixed) Front-end DetailView - Links to collections are always with
- (Fixed) Front-end DetailView - When pressing delete the entire clientSide cache is cleared ( to avoid next/prev issues)
- (Fixed) Front-end Archive - When selecting a new colorClass this is added to the filter
- (Fixed) Front-end DetailView - Safari 12 and lower does autorotate the image correct
- (Added) CLI Stop with warning when running WebHtmlPublish over the same folder (checks
) - (Fixed) Front-end Archive - When click on a Link in Archive, with command key it should ignore preloader
- (Fixed) Front-end Modal Sync Manually - Folders with plus
in the url are synced - (Fixed) Front-end Modal Sync Manually - When ColorClass is selected, its now updating the state to keep the selection
- (Fixed) Front-end Modal Sync Manually - Sync Manual and Clears Cache cleans now also the client cache.
- (Fixed) Front-end DetailView - When pressing ColorClass it also updated when going to the next and back to the same image.
- (Fixed) Front-end DetailView formcontrol fix styling issue when insert 40 or 00 on a datetime input
- (Fixed) Front-end Form Control allow command a or ctrl a when a field is full to select the entire text
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade .NET Core (TargetFramework) to 3.1.8 (using SDK 3.1.402)
- (Added) CLI Add account creation by StarskyAdminCli
- (Added) AppSettings.UseHttpsRedirection - Redirect users to https page. You should enable before going to production. Always disabled in debug/develop mode
- (Added) CLI Show DateTime when the Assemblies are build with the flags:
-h -v
version 0.3.1 - 2020-09-08
- (Added) Front-end UI improvement on Archive add t/i keyboard shortcut to select tags
- (Added) Front-end Client Side caching for 3 minutes to avoid requests and speed on slow devices
- (Added) Front-end Warning when video is not found
- (Added) Front-end Warning when playback is not supported or not working
- (Added) Back-end Download API has now default client side caching
- (Added) Front-end Add Preloader for ColorClass filter, only used when using this app on a slow server
- (Added) Front-end Add updating parent items in the front-end cache
- (Added) Back-end Publish - Files that are not found while publishing are ignored
- (Added) Back-end Publish - Show status when there a no items found before publishing
- (Added) Back-end Search - search for colorClass by indexer
- (Added) Front-end DetailView - Add fast copy for DetailView (press c to save tags, title and description)
- (Added) Front-end DetailView - Add fast paste for DetailView (press v to overwrite tags, title and description)
- (Added) Front-end DetailView - Show Notification dialog when Copy or Paste action happens
- (Fixed) Front-end Search/DetailView - When going fast to the next/prev items this is requesting relativeObjects again to avoid displaying the next icon but not able to click on it
- (Added) Back-end Add Response compression in ASP.NET Core
- (Fixed) Back-end Change Cache time to 365 days for clientapp and wwwroot
version 0.3.0 - 2020-09-02
Note: When you upgrade from 0.2.7 please make sure you have applied the configuration updates
- (Fixed) Back-end publish with metadata did not work
- (Fixed) Back-end Publisher did rotate images when using Exif Orientation
- (Fixed) Back-end fix issue where ExifTool executables did not have write access on *nix
- (Added) Back-end Download Geo-Data from geonames.org on startup
- (Added) Back-end Web Publisher - first image as other thumbnail format
- (Added) Front-end Gpx view, Add ZoomIn/ZoomOut (only in GPX mode)
- (Added) Front-end Gpx View, unlock button (you change the map location now)
- (Added) Front-end Gpx view, go to current location (no marker, only change view)
- (Security) Frond-end Upgrade ClientApp CRA (Create React App 3.4.3 2020-08-12)
- (Fixed) Front-end Add Preloader icon when pressing ColorClassSelect
- (Fixed) Front-end For Archive and Search: When in select mode and navigate next to the select mode is still on but there are no items selected
version 0.3.0-beta.1 - 2020-08-16
- (Breaking change) Back-end Manifest (_settings.json) for exporting
- (Breaking change) Back-end AppSettings config for: AppSettingsPublishProfiles (need manual config changes)
- (Added) Add new Publish UI in Web Interface
- (Fixed) Back-end change
collections default option
version 0.3.0-beta.0 - 2020-08-11
- (Added) Back-end Update meta information for folders
- (Added) Back-end Write component
- (Added) Back-end Add read component (sync) (not implemented)
- (Added) Back-end Move json sidecar file
- (Added) Back-end Directory sidecar write file
- (Fixed) Back-end Unknown/GPX files sidecar files
- (Fixed) Back-end GPX rename file does not work
- (Added) Back-end FileSize update for add item
- (Added) Back-end FileSize on add item
- (Breaking change) Back-end Need to run migrations to add FileSize field (done by starting the mvc application)
- (Added) Back-end Creating thumbnails from Web Interface (no status)
- (Changed) Front-end Move options from display options to Synchronize manually in the UI
version 0.2.7 - 2020-07-31
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade .NET Core (TargetFramework) to 3.1.5 (using SDK 3.1.301)
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix GPS Tracking issue with 'Local' time.
- (Deprecated) Starsky Net Framework will be unsupported in 0.3
- (Added) Back-end Docker support,
version 0.2.6 - 2020-06-08
- (Added) Back-end Option for shared
- (Added) Back-end API to update some
from the UI - (Fixed) Tools Ignore non-jpeg files for thumbnail tool
- (Fixed) Tools ./build.sh
build flag, to ignore sonarQube - (Added) Back-end Add Permissions
in Admin scope. - (Added) Back-end
flag is enabled - (Changed) App update Electron to 9.0
- (Changed) App remove inline javascript
- (Changed) Back-end rename to "/api/account/change-secret"
- (Added) Front-end Add preferences pane
- (Added) Front-end Add first version of preferences-app-settings
- (Added) Front-end Add first version of preferences-password
- (Fixed) Back-end AppSettings Update API Values that are true are overwritten when summing new value #45
- (Fixed) Back-end Importer disposed object #46
- (Fixed) Back-end In /api/update allow null
to support empty overwrites - (Fixed) Front-end Send null
value when a user the content in detailView a tags/description field removes - (Fixed) Front-end Chrome 81+ Exif rotation on non-thumbnail images #48
- (Fixed) Back-end Redirect with Prefix issue #49
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade .NET Core (TargetFramework) to 3.1.4 (using SDK 3.1.300)
- (Fixed) App Add playback for video in App Issue #53
- (Fixed) App StarskyApp should see map Issue #52
- (Fixed) Front-end Download folders with + (plus) not found Issue #54
version 0.2.5 - 2020-05-22
- (Added) Tools Azure pipeline for starskyApp
- (Added) Tools app-version-update.js, add more folders and check input for matching sem-ver
- (Added) Tools docs.js styling update
- (Added) Tools show
results in Application Insights when it fails - (Added) Back-end Fix for
on first run - (Added) Back-end Include ExifTool on first run for Windows and Unix (Perl is needed on *nix)
- (Fixed) Front-end Files that already are deleted is not shown visually Issue #26
- (Fixed) Back-end starskyGeoCli -g 0 Not found
- (Fixed) Back-end Bug upload or import gpx fails FileError
- (Added) App Starsky App Allow Remote connections
- (Added) App Starsky App Menu Cleanup
- (Added) App Starsky App Multiple window support
- (Added) App Starsky App WindowStateKeeper
- (Added) App Starsky App Settings window
- (Changed) App First version of the Starsky Desktop App, required a build for at least v0.2.5
- (Added) Back-end Version Health API to match MAJOR and MINOR version for example 0.2
version 0.2.4 - 2020-05-10
- (Added) Tools Easy internal version upgrade Starsky Version
- (Added) Tools add check for ProjectGuids to be valid/exist and non-duplicate
- (Added) Back-end Show version number in command line
- (Added) Back-end Fix for import Gpx
- (Fixed) Front-end In DetailView click on colorClass move to next item, the colorClass should match the file
- (Added) Front-end Add Storybook for keep components easier to manage.
- (Changed) Back-end
behind login - (Added) Back-end allow multiple inputs in importer CLI (dot comma ; separated )
- (Added) Tools allow multiple inputs in
- (Fixed) Back-end QueueBackgroundWorkItem has now Application Insights Telemetry tracking for exceptions
- (Fixed) Back-end Fix for imageFormat GPX. does now support without xml prefix
- (Fixed) Back-end Bugfix for Importer to allow .XMP files read and copy
version 0.2.3 - 2020-05-04
- (Fixed) Back-end New users could not sign up
- (Fixed) Front-end Register page has wrong title
- (Fixed) Front-end Login flow return url fixed
- (Fixed) Front-end add bugfix for double slash on home while selecting files
- (Fixed) Front-end use appendChild instead of append in portal for older browsers
- (Fixed) Front-end order when files are added does now match the backend (archive-context)
- (Removed) Back-end Import to filter on files older than 2 years
- (Fixed) Back-end Import UnitTests Can't build after 2020-04-22, Import UnitTests have a date bug. For all versions older than 0.2.2
- (feature) Back-end Import to async function refactor
- (Fixed) Back-end Fixes for bugs introduced after refactoring
- (Fixed) Back-end Bugfixes for starskyImporter
- (Fixed) Back-end Delete After now works
- (Fixed) Back-end Import IndexMode works
- (Fixed) Back-end Import File Extension issue
- (Fixed) Back-end Import Empty string import nice warning (0 results)
- (Fixed) Front-end video invalid datetime (UTC Time issues)
- (Fixed) Back-end Force Sync fail (Object Disposed)
- (Fixed) Back-end Export fail (Object Disposed)
- (Fixed) Back-end Upload with filename the same name does add item to cache + should update thumbnail cache
version 0.2.2 - 2020-04-17
Should build before 2020-04-22, Import UnitTests have a date bug. For all versions older than 0.2.2
- (Added) Front-end Timezone issues in Safari
- (Feature) Front-end Add menu for search
- (Fixed) Front-end Collection support in update tags / ColorClassSelect
- (Fixed) Front-end navigator.language issue in Safari
- (Changed) Front-end use
prefix in api urls - (Fixed) Front-end use
prefix only when needed - (Fixed) Back-end Cookie path fix for stuck in 'Do you want to log out?' screen
- (Fixed) Front-end with prefix on the archive page navigate to the right url
- (Fixed) Front-end Search page cache not cleared after edit multiple images
- (Fixed) Front-end Delete multiple images collections no applied
- (Other) Front-end search tags detailView cache not cleared only if you switch very fast known issue won't fix
- (Fixed) Front-end search update read only files, Created an error message if this happens
- (Fixed) Front-end sync API 404 fix from UI
- (Fixed) Back-end QuickTime DateTime creates error while checking GPX files
- (Added) Front-end 'Scroll to Top' when to next search result page
version 0.2.1 - 2020-04-08
Should build before 2020-04-22, Import UnitTests have a date bug. For all versions older than 0.2.2
- (Fixed) Front-end Readonly mode and modals
- (Added) Back-end ReadOnly status to DetailView
- (Added) Back-end mp4/h.264 video support
- (Added) Front-end video player (mp4)
- (Added) Back-end unit tests for mp4/quickTime
- (Security) Back-end Upgrade .NET Core (TargetFramework) to 3.1.3 (using SDK 3.1.201)
- (Security) Back-end Lots of dependencies (EF Core to 3.1.3)
- (Security) Frond-end Upgrade ClientApp CRA (Create React App 3.4.1 2020-03-20)
- (Changed) Back-end Use vsTest instead of mstest
version 0.2.0 - 2020-03-20
Should build before 2020-04-22, Import UnitTests have a date bug. For all versions older than 0.2.2
- (feature) Front-end icons for xmp and raw (tiff-based) in archive mode
- (feature) Back-end support for Canon's way of reading ISO-Speed
- (feature) Back-end abstractions to get the filesystem data
- (feature) Back-end Injection framework implemented
- (rename) Back-end Feature renaming and docs updates
- (feature) _Back-end support for RAW that is not Sony for example Nikon
- (feature) tiff,
:pentax, - (bugfix) Back-end allow underscore import/upload (api name changed in later version)
- (bugfix) Front-end Download selection thumbnail right extension suggestion
- (version) Back-end breaking change rename of api
- (version) Back-end breaking change rename of api
- (version) Back-end breaking change rename of api
- (version) _Back-end breaking change
"Path": "{AssemblyDirectory}/WebHtmlPublish/EmbeddedViews/
- (version) Back-end namespace changes Introduction of feature/foundation projects
version 0.1.17 - 2020-03-07
Should build before 2020-04-22, Import UnitTests have a date bug. For all versions older than 0.2.2
- (feature) Front-end DateTime editing in detailView
- (feature) Front-end change DateTime layout
- (feature) Back-end tags XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end description XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end title XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end dateTime XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end latitude XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end longitude XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end locationAltitude XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end locationCity XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end locationState XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end locationCountry XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end aperture XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end shutterSpeed XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end isoSpeed XMP in file read/write support
- (feature) Back-end focalLength XMP in file read/write support
- (bugfix) Back-end search fix bug where Make/Model is giving a Exception (fixed)
- (bugfix) Front-end clientside bug dateTime is not displayed correct
version 0.1.16 - 2020-02-23
- (bugfix) Back-end
Path Traversal Injection fix - (feature) Back-end Feature toggle to change from
using Newtonsoft for this version - (bugfix) Frond-end Trash display content after deleted (changes in wrapper)
- (rename) Back-end
- (upgrade) Frond-end Upgrade ClientApp CRA (Create React App 3.3.1, 2020-01-31)
- (bugfix) Frond-end/Back-end Add length limit length for search queries
- (bugfix) Frond-end Add length limit length for tags
- (feature) Back-end Change Password for current user (API only)
- (bugfix) Back-end System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Expected to read 372 payload bytes but
only received 21.
(Timeout issue) - (bugfix) Unit tests for NOT queries
- (performance) Back-end refactoring of
- (performance) Back-end refactoring of
- (bugfix) Back-end add version to application insights
- (version) Back-end Upgrade .NET Core (TargetFramework) to 3.1.1 (using SDK 3.1.101)
- (version) Back-end Upgrade RazorLight to 2.0.0-beta4
- (feature) CLI StarskyAdminCli is added (but not documented or included by default)
- (feature) Front-end Show warning when there are connection issues
- (feature) Back-end Search: support for complex and/or operators
(this || or) && that
version 0.1.15 - 2020-02-06
- (bugfix) Front-end Drag'n drop is now only with files
- (version) Back-end Legacy starsky.netFramework 0.1.15 release included
- (version) Back-end dependencies Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore, Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration to 3.1.1
- (version) Back-end dependencies starskycore.dll from [netstandard2.0;netstandard2.1] to netstandard2.0
- (version) Back-end rename starskySyncNetFrameworkCli and starskyImporterNetFrameworkCli
- (version) Back-end breaking change add Software as field in database (run migrations)
version 0.1.14 - 2020-02-04
- (bugfix) back-end Security fixes in controllers
- (bugfix) back-end + front-end name: colorClassActiveList replace everywhere
- (version) Back-end update to .NET .Core SDK 3.1.101 and version 3.0.2 (TargetFramework).
before you start developing - (bugfix) Front-end preloader when uploading
- (bugfix) Front-end translations in item-list-view, item-text-list-view,
- (bugfix) Front-end translations in containers/search, containers/trash, search, trash and trash-page
- (bugfix) Front-end translations in menu-trash and modal-export (isProcessing === ProcessingState.server)
- (feature) Front-end tags on folder change to two line
- (feature) Front-end Back-end Health view, to make more clear when paths are configured right
- (feature) Front-end Back-end Health view, to make more clear when the server time is not correct
- (feature) Front-end Back-end Health view (feature) when a disk is full, show a warning
version 0.1.13 - 2020-01-25
- (remove) V1 Removal of Old Layout (V1) and All Razor Views
- (feature) Front-end API Add new account in React
- (feature) Front-end API Redirect to new account creation on new setup
- (feature) Front-end Upload to directory (+ backend)
- (bugfix) add filter for backslashes in structure:
- (breaking change) removal of GetColor in razor views
- (breaking change) rename of field colorClassFilterList= ==> colorClassActiveList=
- (bugfix) colorClass filter are selecting
- (bugfix) export poll after 206 'not ready'
- (feature) Front-end make folder layout smooth responsive
version 0.1.12 - 2020-01-15
- (bugfix) Front-end Add Loading in Move dialog
- (feature) Front-end Move file in menu
- (bugfix) API fix various issues in
- (remove) General starskyApp content
- (docs) General add html generation to build process
- (remove) API only the retryThumbnail is removed
(remove thumbnail if corrupt) due public facing - (remove) Front-end search replace is no longer a beta feature, so no feature toggle
- (bugfix) Front-end archive updating multiple values didn't provide the right results
- (bugfix) Front-end when pressing multiple colorClass items with the value 0 ( colorless/no-color) these are updated
- (bugfix) Front-end fix issue where force sync and clear cache didn't update the view
- (bugfix) Front-end fix issue Collections toggle where not correct shown
- (feature) API Add
to create directories and sync to the db - (feature) Front-end Add Modal for Make Directory to the Archive Menu
- (build) CI With
eslint errors will break the build - (feature) Front-end Add English language to most of the menu items (switched by browser language)
- (bugfix) Front-end When changing search page there is a preloader icon shown
- (feature) Front-end clear search cache after updating values in detailView
version 0.1.11 - 2020-01-02
- (bugfix) Front-end DetailView when press Delete and switch image, the next image should be marked as not deleted (Fixed)
- (bugfix) Front-end Archive when press 'Select' the images are not reloaded (Fixed)
- (bugfix) Front-end Archive iOS After press 'Select' and return the scrollstate keeps on the same position (fixed)
- (bugfix) Front-end When going from Archive to Detailview and back the scrollstate is still the same (fixed)
- (feature) Front-end Dark theme style added
- (bugfix) Front-end Chrom(e,ium) the location after logging in now updated (fixed)
- (bugfix) CORS Add AllowCredentials policy for production
- (feature) Front-end Next/Prev back in Detailview is now also support when searching
- (change) Front-end Remove V1 from main menu
- (feature) API Add new endpoint
- (bugfix) Front-end change default outline for Chrome/Safari
- (bugfix) Front-end fix document.title undefined error
- (bugfix) Front-end fix issue where on empty search query a sidebar is shown
- (bugfix) Front-end When import a non supported image Ok is shown
- (feature) Front-end Show GPX Files with a map (powered by leaflet/openstreet maps)
- (change) Back-end Breaking change Rename suggest API from
- (bugfix) Front-end Rotation in Detailview on iPad OS 13+ is working (fixed)
- (feature) API Add is Valid Filename check on rename API (
version 0.1.10 - 2019-12-15
- (bugfix) Archive => After pressing 'Apply' the updates are not shown
- (version) Front-end Upgrade ClientApp from React 16.9.0 to 16.9.15 (Create React App 3.3.0, 5 Dec 2019)
- (bugfix) Front-end Front-end for Rename files (in detailview)
- (feature) Front-end (front-end) 'Rotate to Right'
- (bugfix) Front-end Improve Unit test coverage (at least 80% on coverage-report 561 mstest and 271 jest tests)
- [] (bug) Front-end
paths are not supported not fixed
version 0.1.9 - 2019-12-01
Upgrade to .NET Core 3.0 (TargetFramework) & EF Core 3.1-preview3
- use for example '3 hours' instead of yesterday in detailview
- (bugfix) EventTarget issue (Safari) when using /import
- (azure-pipeline) add yaml file to replace classic build pipeline
- Indexes are working now for MySQL at the first time run
- Upgrade to .NET Core & EF Core 3.1-preview3 (EF Core 3.0 is missing PredicateBuilder support)
- (bugfix) 23:00 o'clock/first of month date.spec unittest
- [] (Add warning) (bug) for iOS Safari only when using .local domains login fails (work around use ip-addresses) (update to iOS13)
- Update build pipeline to support multiple runtimes in 1 run
- Upgrade from Swagger 4.0.1 to Swagger 5 (has breaking changes)
version 0.1.8 - 2019-11-10
- (bugfix) ignore directories without reading rights (instead of crashing)
- (change) Import API has now a limit of 320 MB instead of 32MB
- Login in V2 layout
- (bugfix) Catch is used for example the region VA (Vatican City)
- (bugfix) when offline geoReverseLookup creates an 0 byte zip
- (bugfix) (UI) in archive mode, selecting and deselecting ColorClass does not include filepaths in request.
- (bugfix) (UI) when pressing force sync and renew now the view is updated
- (tools) add Dropbox Import tool
- Breaking API change from
- Import page (without link)
- (bug) GPX, tiff, dng files uploads are not allowed in new UI (fixed)
- (feature) Geo from Web Interface (including status) - in preview status
- (bug) Force sync and renew for directories that contain a + sign are passing the wrong values (fixed)
- Add unit tests for importing raw's with .xmp files
- (starsky-tools) add Dropbox import helper tool
version 0.1.7 - 2019-09-27
Works with .NET Core SDK 3.0.100
- (bugfix) LastEdited (in front-end) is now also shown when there is no Datetime
- (bugfix) after account is created the redirect to a 404 page
- (bugfix) (layout v1) import to the right controller
- (alpha api/subject to change json output) /api/health to check the status of the application
- Breaking change rename of
- (starsky-tools/localtunnel) to test local builds
- starsky-tools/thumbnail, added auto cleanup, allow ranges e.g. 1-20 ago
- (V2 UI Archive/Trash) add Select all/Undo selection to menu
- (bugfix) search queries shorter than 2 digits are working
- (behind feature flag) Front-end for Replace API
in folder view (add localStorage item with namebeta_replace
) - (front-end)
split in separate components - (front-end) show collections in DetailView
- (front-end) reject delete button when a file is read-only mode
- (front-end) add to-trash-button and select all button to archive view
- (front-end) add keyboard shortcut for delete
- (front-end) add feature to cancel image loading if the page change
- (front-end) refresh/forceSync does reload page
- (dotnet) version from 2.2.6 to 2.2.7
- (dotnet) Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.2.7 is added as dependency to avoid mixed version errors
- (bugfix) menu-archive press TrashSelection gives no 404 error anymore
version 0.1.6 - 2019-09-12
For this version you need to downgrade the .NET Core SDK to SDK 2.2.401
- Breaking change the V1 layout is now at
- Add Renewed UI with most of the functionality of the old UI (default on)
- Folder/Archive UI
- Folder/Archive ColorClass filter UI
- Folder/Archive Select UI
- Folder/Archive Labels Add UI
- Folder/Archive Labels Overwrite UI
- Search UI
- Export/ Dialog/ Single + Select UI
- DetailView (include details) UI
- Collections toggle in UI
- ForceSync in UI (under Display options)
- Cache-clean for folders in UI (under Display options)
- Toggle for isSingleItem (under Display options)
- Toggle for Collections view (under Display options)
- Import page Has link to V1 layout
- Account page Deprecated in V2 layout
- Login is in V1 layout style
- Not Found page
- Trash page
- Build CI changes to run Jest tests (1.2% coverage yet)
- IE11 (Internet Explorer) is not working anymore with this application
- Some older Safari, Chrome and Firefox browsers are not supported in the new layout
- Added
including inReplaceService
- Breaking API change from
- Breaking API change from
- API change change number of search results per page from 20 to 120
- Legacy starsky.netFramework 0.1.6 release included
version - 2019-08-19
Version number does not match SemVer
- Entity Framework add database indexes
- Breaking Change Entity Framework add database Field for FocalLength
- Legacy starsky.netFramework release included
version - 2019-08-14
Version number does not match SemVer
- Change Dot NET version to the
.Net Core 2.2
(TargetFramework) release (C# 7) - Rollback version due Entity Framework performance issues with MySQL
- Swagger is enabled
The following changes from are included in this release
- Breaking API change from
- Breaking API change from
- Add support for command line -x or don't add xmp sidecar file
- XMP disable option when importing using a flag (used for copying photos)
- Legacy starsky.netFramework release included
version - 2019-08-09
Version number does not match SemVer
- Update Dot NET version to the
.Net Core 3 Preview 7
(TargetFramework) release - Update to C## version 8
- Keep the core .netstandard2.0 for NetFramework reference
- Breaking API change from
- Breaking API change from
- Known issue Swagger support is disabled
- Add support for command line -x or don't add xmp sidecar file
- XMP disable option when importing using a flag (used for copying photos)
- Legacy starsky.netFramework release included
version - 2019-08-07
- change '/api/info' to support readonly meta display
- add /suggest/all to show all suggestions
- upgrade dependencies to support Debian 10 (to fix: No usable version of the libssl was found)
- fix localisation issue with starskyWebHtmlCli
- add copy of content folder in bin with starskyWebHtmlCli
version - 2019-05-17
- implement search suggestions API
- search suggestions are always lowercase
- bugfix:
pages are now working - suggestions are part of the warmup script
- bugfix: spaces where not rendered correctly during the 'update' call in archive view
- bugfix: you could login without password
version - 2019-04-24
- fix: for readonly there is no TIFF label
- Front-end copy ctrl+shift+c visual feedback
- Warmup script with variables
- Allow CORS for DEBUG mode for localhost domains
- CHANGE: Unauthorised users return 401 on /api (instead of redirect)
- add:
API for viewing recent uploads (today only) subject to change - CHANGE Database Structure: Field added in ImportDatabas Update all your clients at once to avoid issues between -3 and -4
- Legacy starsky.netFramework release included
version - 2019-03-31
- refactoring connection to ExifTool to use iStorage
- refactoring thumbnail service
- changed Basic Auth middleware to use scoped
- bugFix: sync from webUI with '+' in name
- Legacy starsky.netFramework release included
Features that are affected:
- check UpdateWriteDiskDatabase / check update service
- check rotation
- check GeoLocationWrite
- check: AddThumbnailToExifChangeList (removed)
- check: rename thumb in starskyGeoCli
- check: StarskySyncCli -t (thumbnail service)
- check: /api/delete
- check: /api/download photo
- check: xmpSync for exiftool
- check: starskyWebHtmlCli
- check: ResizeOverlayImage in webHtmlCli
- check: if (profile.MetaData) // todo: check if works
- check: export to zip
- check: legacy releases
version - 2019-03-22
- exifTool implementation write bug fixed
- Performance upgrade xmp/tiff files (does not check filehash again)
- refactor xmp/exif module to support iStorage
- bugfix to searching filehashes with null content
- include test with incomplete xmp file
- ExifToolImportXmpCreate in appsettings
- Bugfix / bug fix for: issue where import with spaces creates multiple items in the database
- Already exist: config scheme overwrite feature for command line e.g. --scheme:/yyyy
- Legacy starsky.netFramework release included
version - 2019-03-17
- Breaking Change: added
field - Add
to search as field - Legacy starsky.netFramework release included
version 0.1.5 - 2019-03-17
- add partial support for || (or) queries using search
- the type datetime e.g.
-datetime=1 || -datetime=2
is not supported yet
- the type datetime e.g.
- bugfix to large int relative to today
- add support for not queries
to ignore the word file - performance improvements to importer
- .NET Core to 2.1.8 (TargetFramework) (update to dotnet-sdk-2.2.104)
- input args changed: --recursive (typo)
- frontend readonly bug fix
- frontend temp disabled alt+next loop due set-interval overflow
- Search: performance update for searching multiple tags
- Replace API introduced, search and replace in strings
- Done some IStorage refactorings, but not complete yet
- Next/Prev links are now served by backend code to avoid when javascript is not loaded, your selection is reset
- Add Collections to DetailView model
- Add more Update/Replace Tests
version 0.1.4 - 2019-03-01
- fix issue where login fails results in a error 500
- http push headers update (add /api/info to push on detailView)
- Initial release of the
api (not implemented in the front-end) - Mark FilesHelper as deprecated, use IStorage now
version 0.1.3 - 2019-02-13
- fix issues on exporting
- fix issue on Sync (-p option)
- change
need to have appSettings - fix UI: zooming in on iPad triggers next/prev
- fix init sqlite for legacy app
- add: replace
- change settings to enable swagger: use now
to enable - Create build scripts using Cake (Cake isn't used anymore)
- Legacy starsky.netFramework 0.1.3 release included
version 0.1.2 - 2019-02-01
- starskywebftpcli
- add json export for starskyWebHtmlCli
- bugfix: migrations
- change to runtime: 2.1.7
- add 'import/FromUrl' api
- Legacy starsky.netFramework 0.1.2 release included
Known issues in this release: (all fixed in 0.1.3)
- Export: When export a gpx file this is ignored
- Export: When export a thumbnail of a Raw file, the zip has no files
- Sync: Feature for selecting a folder with the sync cli does not work correctly
- UI: zooming in on iPad triggers next/prev
version 0.1.1 - 2019-01-25
- add ignore index feature to importer
- Legacy starsky.netFramework 0.1.1 release included
version 0.1.0 - 2019-01-22
- initial release
version 0.0.1 - 2018-03-08
- Initial commit