Github Actions CI
GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub.
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Important pipelines
- Build desktop app (Create Desktop Release on tag for .Net Core and Electron)
- Docker Hub on new version (Create Release on tag for docker hub)
- Docker unstable build (Docker buildx multi-arch CI unstable master)
Table of Contents
- Create Desktop Release on tag for .Net Core and Electron
- Docker Hub on new version (Create Release on tag for Docker Hub)
- Docker unstable build (Docker buildx multi-arch CI unstable master)
- Auto upgrade .NET SDK version
- Application Version Auto update
- Auto update Nuget packages list
- Auto Update Swagger
- Auto clientapp create Vite upgrade
- Auto Documentation create Docusaurus upgrade
- ClientApp React Linux CI
- ClientApp React Windows CI
- CodeQL analysis
- Documentation to GitHub Pages
- End-to-End on Ubuntu CI
- End-to-End on Windows CI
- Create Release on tag for Docker Hub
All github actions used by this project
There are multiple github actions used by this project. Bellow is a list of all github actions and a short on alphabet order.
Auto upgrade .NET SDK version
Run weekly Automatically upgrade the .NET SDK version and upgrade nuget packages file when a new version is released.
cd starsky-tools/build-tools/
npm run nuget-package-list
Application Version Auto update
Run on push and manual trigger Upgrade the application version in the csproj file and package.json file
cd starsky-tools/build-tools/
npm run app-version-update
Auto update Nuget packages list
On push on master branch Creates a list of nuget packages and their version in the nuget-package-list file
cd starsky-tools/build-tools/
npm run nuget-package-list
Auto Update Swagger
Update json file with the latest swagger file
cd starsky/starsky
export app__AddSwagger="true"
export app__AddSwaggerExport="true"
export app__AddSwaggerExportExitAfter="true"
dotnet run --no-launch-profile
cd ../../
cd starsky-tools/build-tools/
npm run nuget-package-list
auto clientapp create Vite upgrade
Bootstrap the client app with the latest Vite version
cd starsky-tools/build-tools/
npm run clientapp-create-react-app-update
Auto Documentation create Docusaurus upgrade
Bootstrap the docs with the latest Docusaurus version
cd starsky-tools/build-tools/
npm run documentation-create-docusaurus-update
ClientApp React Linux CI
Build for the ClientApp on linux Runs on pull request and push on the master branch
cd starsky/starsky/clientapp
npm ci
npm npm run build
npm run test:ci
ClientApp React Windows CI
Build for the ClientApp on Windows Runs on pull request and push on the master branch
cd starsky/starsky/clientapp
npm ci
npm npm run build
npm run test:ci
CodeQL analysis
Run CodeQL analysis on push and pull request
Documentation to github pages
Deploy docs site to github pages
end2end on ubuntu-ci
Cypress end to end testing on ubuntu ci
Runs a systemd service and a cypress test.
See Cypress Dashboard and click on the
tag: ubuntu-ci
for more details.
end2end on windows-ci
Cypress end to end testing on windows ci
Runs a windows service and a cypress test.
See Cypress Dashboard and click on the
tag: windows-ci
for more details.
Create Release on tag for docker hub
On tag push create a release for docker hub runs on release of a new stable version
Create Desktop Release on tag for .Net and Electron
Build the .NET runtime for Linux, Windows and Mac OS And build Electron Only create release when a new tag is pushed
Docker buildx multi-arch CI unstable master
Build docker images for testing
Starsky .NET (Ubuntu)
CI build for .NET Core on Ubuntu Builds and runs unit tests in international mode and locale NL_nl due dot and comma issues
Starsky .NET Core (Windows)
CI build for .NET Core on Windows Builds and runs unit tests
Starsky SonarQube ClientApp NetCore Analyze PR
Analyze the code with SonarQube on Pull Request
Starsky Tools Node smoke test
Smoke tests for the starsky-tools
- dropbox import
- localtunnel
- mock service
- thumbnail
starskyDesktop Electron PR (Missing .NET dependency)
Build the Electron app on pull request without .NET so faster but does not run the app For Windows and Mac OS builds the app and runs the unit tests
storybook clientapp netlify
Deploy storybook of clientapp to netlify