Azure Devops
Azure DevOps is a cloud-based platform for development teams to collaborate on software development projects. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for planning, development, testing, and deployment of software applications. The platform integrates with a variety of tools and services, including source code management, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and testing tools.
In this project the Azure Devops is private and used to build the application for internal usage. However the yaml files are public and can be used as a reference for other projects. It is not needed to use Azure Devops for this project. All the build steps can be done via Github Actions.
Azure Devops pipelines
The figure below shows the pipelines that are used in this project. The following pipelines are private:
This is the main pipeline for building the application. This builds the server and client application.
So no desktop application is build. This is referenced by: pipelines/azure/develop-ci.yml
The following variables are used:
- project key for sonarcloud$(STARSKY_SONAR_TOKEN)
- login key for sonarcloud$(STARSKY_SONAR_ORGANISATION)
- organisation in sonarcloud
For building for Azure there is a pipeline that builds the application with a shared .NET runtime.
This is referenced by: pipelines/azure/shared-web-only.yml
and uses no variables used
For build the desktop application there is a pipeline that builds the application .NET runtime.
This is referenced by: pipelines/azure/app-ci.yml
and uses no variables used.
Build documentation site. This is referenced by: pipelines/azure/documentation.yml
The following variables are used:
- at the moment is this:/
- googleVerification key, starts withgoogle
- google analytics key, starts withG-
- domain of docs site currently:
azure-pipeline nightly audit
For auditing the project there is a pipeline that runs every night.
This is referenced by: pipelines/azure/nightly-ci.yml
and uses no variables used.